Locks of Love


New Member
Have any of you ladies ever heard of this organization? They are a non- profit that makes wigs for children who have lost their hair due to various illnesses. Do you all know any Black women who have donated their hair?

I don’t know any Black women who have done this but when I was in college one of the girls in my dorm grew her hair out really long for the sole purpose of donating it (she was white). After about a year and a half she cut it all off and then shaved her head. I think a friend of hers had been diagnosed with cancer and she shaved her head to support the friend who was loosing hers.

I remember thinking that that would be something that I would want to do- donate my hair not shaving my head- one day but at the time I was so busy trying to figure out how to grow my hair past my armpits that I could not imagine cutting it all off after reaching my goal.

Thanks to this site I have grown my hair longer than I ever thought could and now I think I am ready to let it go. I know that for many of us, because we grow up with poor information about proper hair care, having long hair is a new thing so cutting it all off seems crazy. But I was wondering if any of you ladies have or have considered donating your hair.


Well-Known Member
I know a couple of people that have done it (white also). I've heard that the hair shouldn't be chemically altered, which could be the one reason black woman don't donate as much (I think the #1 reason is that we are so attached to our hair). I never looked into it myself to see if that was definitely the criteria to donate. I definitely think about doing this in the future...I'm leaving it open as an option. My biggest trial would be LETTING it grow that long to donate...


Well-Known Member
if my hair ever grew too long i would definitely do it. but right now im at neck length with splits and broken pieces. i dont think they would want that. lol


New Member
The hurdle with trying this as mentioned by so1913 is that they prefer hair to be free from chemical treatments i.e. hair color, perms, bleach etc. And it has to be in generally healthy condition.


Active Member
My sister in law does it.(she's white). My mom died of cancer so I would do it. When she was going thru her chemo I came to realize that"it's just hair". I met a lady that was getting chemo for the first time and she had beautiful hair, a little past her bra strap. I asked her how she felt about the possibity of loosing it and she said "it's just hair", That hit me hard when she said that. Now I do take care of my hair and I enjoy growing it but I know it can be gone in a instant. I took my mom two rounds of chemo before all of her hair was gone and she had shoulder length thick hair.


New Member
Not to be the neggie nellie but be careful with them. There was some investigations going on about the fact that they were actually selling the wings to celebrities instead of kids. I would be weary and procede def. with caution.


Well-Known Member
I would do it. A good friend of mine is only 19 and has cancer. She's BEAUTIFUL bald and with hair. One of our friends (white) cut off her BSL length hair and donated it to locks of love to support her, and stayed bald all summer as well.

My hair is natural and very healthy now, and I think TWAs are cute, so one day in the future, once I have enough to donate I can definitely see myself doing it.


New Member
so1913 said:
I know a couple of people that have done it (white also). I've heard that the hair shouldn't be chemically altered, which could be the one reason black woman don't donate as much (I think the #1 reason is that we are so attached to our hair). I never looked into it myself to see if that was definitely the criteria to donate. I definitely think about doing this in the future...I'm leaving it open as an option. My biggest trial would be LETTING it grow that long to donate...

Some of the organizations that do this do want the hair to be chemical free. But Locks of Love will actually take chemically treated hair as long as it is not bleached or damaged.

I think that you are right thought in saying that the biggest hurdle is that we are very attached to our hair, and understandably so.

OT, your hair in the sig is so beautiful:)


New Member
Yeah, my freshman year in college, my white friend Lauren cut off about a foot of her hair and gave it to Locks of Love. I have a couple other white friends who have done it as well. I personally don't know any black girls who have, but I'm sure there are some.


New Member
LocksOfLuV said:
Not to be the neggie nellie but be careful with them. There was some investigations going on about the fact that they were actually selling the wings to celebrities instead of kids. I would be weary and procede def. with caution.

:eek: Are you kidding me:eek: That is aweful. I would be pissed if I found out that my donated hair was put in a wig and sold to anyone let alone to a celebrity:eek: !

That is certainly something to investigate.