Let me ask you all a question


Active Member
Ok I went natural last May and had a little less than an inch of hair after bc'ing. It grew about 6 inches all over except for the front which was around 4 1/2. Well around this January I got my hair pressed a few times. Around the second time I pressed my hair I started to notice little knots on my ends. I then decided to relax my hair shortly after that and now my hair is falling out. Im really thinking about cutting my hair off and starting all over again. I just want to know your thoughts on the knots in my hair. Do you think that the knots came from getting my hair pressed( a painful process where the stylist sits me under a hooded drier then rips through my dry hair and does no detangling except for pulling the pressing comb through it) or because natural hair just does that? I've heard a few naturals complain about having little knots on individual strands before but I had never noticed it until then.

I dont like this fragile hair sitting on top of my head. Every day I am tempted to just cut it all off. I have split end halfway up the shaft on all the hair that feel out. Although I am afraid of looking like a boy once again, I dont know if I can take it any more.

And one other question. Do you think that if I cut it now that around 8 months I'll get those knots again. Im thinking about just transitioning until my hair gets a decent length for me to handle, but this relaxed hair is out of control.
maybe the knots were the remainings of ur relaxed ends
id do the bc and never go back to a relaxer again. dont get discouraged im here for you:blowkiss:
Im natural and I get single strand knots sometimes, I think it just come with being natural. I cut them off in december and have been keeping my ends extra moisturized and so far no knots, keeping my fingers X.
Seximami I grew my hair out the first time for almost 6 months and cut it off myself. I couldn't reach the back so I went to my boyfriend's barber to get the rest cut off. I looked kinda like Britney Spears when she shaved off her hair. The barber nearly skinned my head cuz I came in with about 3 inches and left out with about half an inch all over and the front almost down to my scalp. Very bad experience. So none of the knots came from any relaxed hair.

Is there any way to avoid the knots cuz the knots were about an inch up the shaft. Since then most of the knots have broken off and the ends are split right down the middle.