Learning to Let Things Go


formerly nicola.kirwan
I don't know whether this is asking for advice or venting, but I just find it so difficult to let go of things sometimes and leave them with the Lord. I'll start off with an example of when I did just leave it to God and it worked out:

A couple of years ago when I was finishing up the last year of my undergraduate degree, I was taking classes, working, and writing a senior thesis. I also needed to find a full time job before graduating because I was 1000 away from any family members and needed to have a place to live and a way to pay bills. I also needed to find an apartment and a roommate. But I had absolutely no time to do this, and didn't even know where to look since all the leads that I followed didn't lead to much of anywhere. I ended up just saying, "Lord, you know what I need and you will not allow me to do without. Please bring me a job and a place to stay." And I let it go and didn't think about it anymore. No fretting at all. Well, it was about one month before graduating that I randomly met up with an old friend who also needed a roommate and we got an apartment together. Then there was a sudden opening at my PT job and my supervisor asked me to become his assistant, which was a salaried FT job w/benefits. The job ended up being the perfect stepping stone to entering into law school (where I am now) and my roommate ended up renewing her faith in Christ through our friendship. :yep:

I couldn't have orchestrated that if I tried. I learned from that that the Lord is completely faithful. But it is so difficult to remember things like that and to know that if we can just let things go and stop worrying that he will take care of it--and in better ways than we could have thought.

Right now I just need help/encouragement in letting go of a relationship/friendship with a young man because I know in my spirit that now is not the time for us. And I need to stop worrying about what will be and just trust the Lord and His plan. It's really very difficult.
I am battling with "letting go" at this point in my life so maybe we can walk in this journey together.

Right now I am focusing on faith. Believing and knowing that all things happens for a purpose and that GOD moves people in and moves people out of our lives for a reason. It may never become apparent to us but that is where faith steps in. Knowing that where I am at this point in my life is where He wants me to be, as well as the people walking with me.
Yes, I am on this journey as well so we all can go through and over it together in Jesus Name Amen!:yep:

Meditate on God's word when it comes to you and this young man. Remember our lives works in seasons and not in God's time. Remember God does not work in time or space. He is the Master of the Universe. So God knows what is best for us and only us the story you shared showed you how God can and did move in your life.:yep: Go back to that point and ask God to help you in this situation as well! God will bring you through it:yep:
Count me in...We are all going through the same type of situation. I know that God loves me and has my life planned out according to HIS purpose. I have to keep my mind focused on Him and not my situation.

Nicola things are going to work out for you. You have the right mindset and you know that God is working things out for your good.
hey nicola,
you are so right about letting go and letting God take over what your life. my life has been so different since i have been able to do this! i learned a little trick based on acupuncture that makes it easier than you think!! it's called EFT or the emotional freedom technique - check it out.


everything you need to get started can be found thru this site or on youtube for free. i hope this helps!!
Yes, we all are on the same journey and learning how to have greater faith. It's so helpful to know that other women are in the same place. It's also helpful to remember the times that the Lord has been faithful. I'll remember you all in my prayers.