LAWD! I started the year with mash up hair! #gutted


New Member
Ladies I am actually still balling over this.

Throughout the whole year I been PS'n and I was so pleased that at the end of the year my hair had grown. Trying to have healthy as well as long hair I decided that I would go and get my hair trimmed.

After doing some internet research I chose to go to Purely Natural Salon in Stratford (In the UK for you US ladies).

BIG BLASTED MISTAKE! The women mash up my head piece and cut of alllllllllll my growth for the year! Its not so much she got of waaaaay more then needed, it was the fact that my hair felt absolutley horrible! No matter what I done when I got home my hair still didnt feel any better. I am gutted.

I done a review on youtube about my experience please watch it(especially UK ladies). I watched a few vidoes before I booked ad they were positive about it but I want to inform as many of you as possible that you might be letting yourself in for a MAJOR SETBACK.

O well back to the drawing board for me....

Gurl, I am so sorry. It does seem that she got wayyyy too scissor happy.

I'm sure that has put you off going to a salon again, but if you do, if you have any doubts whatsoever SPEAK UP!

Never ever sit there and not say anything. It's your hair, and you have a say in how it should be styled and washed. If you want shea butter on the scalp, say so. If you want her to comb from the ends up, say it (shout it from the roof tops if you have to). And if she's gonna be rude about your hair is 'too thick and coarse' thats the time to tell her she betta learn to deal with it or you're walking out without paying.

God has given you a mouth...That would be a perfect time to use it!

Again hun, I'm sorry for your bad experience. No one deserves that kind of treatment. (((hugs)))
I'm sorry if I seem too harsh, but she make me mad at her. If I wasn't in another city I'd be down in her face and telling her what for.
Wow....that's just terrible....sorry you had to experience that!

The good thing is you know exactly what to do to get your length back!

You'll be back to where you were in no time!
I'm sorry if I seem too harsh, but she make me mad at her. If I wasn't in another city I'd be down in her face and telling her what for.

Hun dont apologise. I was stunned to silence but next time i will be telling whoever what i dont like. Thanks ladies x
Sorry to hear about your setback hun. I've had my experience with SHS before and shortly after I purchased the split-ender so that I could take matters into my OWN hands when it comes to cutting my hair.
But don't worry OP, take this as a lesson learned and I GURANTEE your hair will bounce back much healthier than before :yep:
Sorry OP ,what was her explanation for the haircut, was your hair damaged? This is the reason why I don't do stylists most just seem to be scissor happy.:perplexed

i would be looking for her in the daytime with a flashlight.....

i'm sorry that happened to you.....i have definitely been there.

no more stylists for you.

sending you a hug!
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I remember the first time that a stylist cut off inches of my hair without me realizing it. I wanted to choke her.

These days I usually don't let any new stylist put scissors in my hair at all and if I do, I have DH stand watch or I have two mirrors so I can watch if DH isn't available. I did the two mirror thing yesterday for a new stylist and she did not cut too much.

I also have a Splitender.

It will take some time but your hair will grow back.
Sorry OP ,what was her explanation for the haircut, was your hair damaged? This is the reason why I don't do stylists most just seem to be scissor happy.:perplexed

I needed a trim because i hadnt trimmed all year. Otherwise no my hair wasnt damaged.
:sad::nono::nono::nono::nono:SMH.....That's just wrong. All i could say after the second pic was JESUS!! I'm so sorry this happened to you. I honestly would recommend you live on LHCF, there is so much information here on every and anything that can assist you in becoming a DIY'er for your hair. Trust your instincts on what you read and pay attention to posters that actually have a blog, progress pics/fotki and also you tube is very helpful.

I wish you the best recovery and don't be disheartened your hair will grow bag so lovely you'll be surprised. Give it lots of TLC.

HHG for 2013
I'm sorry this happened. :( I've had the same thing happen before. Twice. So I know it feels bad. I've started self-trimming, so I don't have to learn this lesson a third time. I'd rather my hair be a bit crooked, than chopped off.
Yeah I just had no confidence in doing it myself :(. I have watched a video on it and i could honestly kick myself for not trying!
My jaw dropped when I saw the second pic, I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience, your hair will grow back even better.

It felt even worse then it looked! Took two weeks of babying my hair to return to normal.
Really hope ladies from london think twice before going, or speak up unlike i did. Natural Salons aint all that :(
No apologies necessary...I have jumped out of the chair when a stylist started doing something that I hadn't approved of. I've left salons with my hair wet, with a bag on my head, etc. I don't go to stylists except for a dry cut. I wash and dry my hair prior and make sure the stylist does what I say. I'm texlaxed and I have been a self-stylist for about the last 18+ years. Don't let someone jack up your hair...stop them immediately!
Oh no! :( Sorry to hear about your set back, don't worry you'll bounce back!
i decided to go to a salon for the first time ever a year or so ago, and never ever again.
I've got two hands, that's all my hair needs!
Aww man, sorry niche. That is definitely the most frustrating thing. But now you know what works you can definitely grow it back again.