Bug Last new post taking me back to the first post


Well-Known Member
For some reason everytime I click the button to go to the last post, it takes me to post number 1. It's doing this for all threads I click on.

Is anyone else having this problem? Can this be fixed?
Thanks for responding Sparkling Flame. I guess I'll just have to note a placeholder undtil its fixed
I'm having this problem too. Pretty frustrating especially when sites do not load quite as fast. Well, the site loads but at the top it keeps showing that browser symbol like it's still loading the site. Took me a while to figure out that it never was going to the page / post I wanted, because I would sit there waiting for it to finish what it's doing. Now I just hit ESC because the annoying site still loading symbol annoys me.
Me too. It's bad enough that the forums load ultra slow ... now this too?!
Ditto for me. I switched from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome, but I am still having all the same issues.