Ladies who wear sew ins I have question?


New Member
I have never wore one so when my co-worker asked this question I didn't have an answer for her.

Her daughter is away at school and she has a sew in, the girl wants to know if she can conditioner wash her sew in? Thanks in Advance for your help MJ
Yes she can make a conditioner & water solution & put in an applicator bottle so that she can get in between her tracks (best performed in shower) and she needs to make sure she rinses properly. I am a former weave wearer, hubby hates weave, wigs etc... had to let him know that before he met me I was a 2 pack a week weave wearin sista :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Be careful conditioner washes I think are best when you are not wearing a sew in. Braid spray may be best to keep hair moisturized without so much build up.....Too much conditoner will weaken the braided hair, under the sew in' and the weave thread and weave hair will make chop suey out of her real hair when minimal tension is applied ( ie combing, brushing, styling..etc) she would have to dilute the condiotioner like crazy and Air drying is NOT!!! I repeat NOT!! an option. She will have to sit under a hood dryer no less than 1 hour and half and even then she may have to take the hand dryer to the hair to be sure the hair is not wet in between. Wet hair will matt, break and in some cases become moldy, stinky and stringy...ScARED YET! I speak from experience..I'd tell her to tell her daughter to not make conditioner washing a habit when you have a sew in.
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She sure can. I did. I co-washed every other saturday. i think depending on the hair, the washing can withstand it. I'm an advocate for washing hair while in weaves. A lot of people dont and I just can't stand the gunk buildup. Do like cmbodley says and make a solution, it works. i did this, washed thoroughly, and blow dried the hair.
Is she talking about Co-washing the weave hair or her hair underneath?....Either way, I personally don't think its a good idea. Co-washing a weave can make it tangle and also heavy and sometimes greasy. And about her hair underneath, co-washing it might make her scalp itch.
As long as she rinses well and dries her braids under the dryer she will be fine. I've done it for many sew-ins with no damage. Just a note to her tho that the more you wet your braids underneath they will swell, possibly making the weave "sit-up" so to speak so i cut back to just weekly washing/deep conditioning. She should make sure she moisturizes the braids underneath daily and if so then a weekly wash etc should be fine.