Jaguar TC thermo system


New Member
Hello Ladies

has anyone heard about the Jaguar TC Thermo System?
I went to my hair dresser the other day and he was telling me about this. Apparently it is a new system of sealing your ends once it has been trimmed. The trim or hair cut is done with a scissors which is heated and seals your ends, according to him, it is a good system b/c it helps against split ends and your hair retains more moisture.

has anyone ever got a Jaguar cutt and do you think it is worth it. He is charging $30 for it.

I looked it up on the web, but I was wondering if I could get some real testimonials

yea, it sounded interesting to me too, my hairdresser started doing it this week on his clients, I made an appt. with him for next friday. I will let you guys know how it turns out. I really need a good trim, so this should be good for me