Is Precise No-Lye Super or Regular a good relaxer?


New Member
I just bought Precise and I've been using Just for Me kiddie perm by Soft & Beautiful. I want to use it, but I want to get my hair bone straight. I don't want my hair breaking. Can someone please tell me whats up in the Relaxer realm?? Thanks
Do a search on no-lye versus lye relasers. that should help.
November- This is the perm/relaxer that I use. I have used it for yrs and have had no problems whatsoever from it. Yrs ago, I used Regular. For me, though my hair was more manageable, it was like I never put anything on it (my hair). I still had a lot of waves which was cool. Super gets my hair straight, soft and shiny. Again, I have yet to have any breakage.

So to answer your question- YES, to me, it is a very good perm.