Is it Just Dandruff or Something Worse


New Member
Now I have had a dandruff issue on and off. Often times attributing it to dry scalp. But as of late the flakes are looking a little bigger and don't look like dandruff so I did a little internet browsing and came upon Scalp Psoriasis and it seems like this maybe what I have. Now I don't have psoriasis on any other part of my body but when I part my hair it looks like what is described :nono: How can this be?? Or it could I have a bad case of dandruff either way I want this stuff GONE:wallbash:

Does any now how to deal with this issue. I am looking up topical treatments like shampoos and creams that I may use but I am scared it will mess w/my natural tresses :sad: Any ideas or suggestion on what I can do?

Case of the Bad Scalp
I think you should go to a dermatologist to find out exactly what it is. Maybe he/she can prescribe something that will help you?

There are different types of dandruff, dry and oily types.

I hope it isn't psoriasis. :sad:
Yes, please seek a dermatologist first. Step one is hopefully being accurately diagnosed. Then you both will be able to treat the problem. Best of wishes.
Yea I think that is what I will have to do, look a see what good dermatologist are in my area. I am hoping it s just a bad case of dandruff. Thanks ladies
I had the same problem you had a few years back thinking it was due to psoriasis. I went to see a dermatologist about it and it was only buildup. My pores were so clogged that any product I used just started to stick to my scalp and dry up into big flakes. She said I have a very sensitive scalp and advised me to stay away from sulfates ( in shampoo) because it would residue and flake. Have you tried coconut oil? It is known to get rid of dandruff and fungus. Maybe your scalp needs a good clarifying treatment.
If you want something without sulfates you might want to check out Qhemet Biologics Egyptian Wheatgrass Cleansing Tea.