Is all secular music bad?

Do you listen to secular music?

  • Yes regularly, I see nothing wrong with it

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Yes regularly, but I filter what I listen to

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • Not often but I do have a few artists that I listen to

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • No, but I see nothing wrong with it if you choose to

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it's not of God

    Votes: 6 20.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I've always been a Christian but recently I've been trying to renew my mind and really be a better Christian...taking it to the "next level", if you will. I have a couple of struggles that I will post in seperate threads but the first one is about secular music.

What is wrong with it? I know hard core songs with cursing and talk of fornication or murder and things like that are bad (i.e. Nicki Minaj, JayZ, Lil Wayne, TI, etc.), but what is wrong with Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, Beyonce? I am a married woman so if I'm singing a song that mentions love/sex/relationships, what is wrong with that?
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Not all secular music is bad, but much of it is. There are the obvious bad ones like you mention - the ones with cursing, fornication, etc. There are also subtle ones - like Beyonce's "Ego" or "Baby Boy", which encourage lust. But then there are songs like Mariah Carey's "Hero" that are simply inspirational. There are also instrumental music (non-lyrics) that are secular but not bad.
I listen to secular music. I use to listen to everything and anything, but I'm starting to filter what I listen to and I prefer radio edits because they take all the bad words out.
I know this wont be a popular opinion :look:, but I dont listen to any secular music. It just dont glorify God. I teach Sunday school and I taught a lesson to my class about this topic. Alot of the secular music is about lusts, cares of this world, pride, fame etc. It doesn't edify you or bring you closer to God in anyway. The bibles he who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God. Alot of these songs promotes wordliness and ungodliness. The bible says to be carnally (fleshy,earthly) minded is death but spiritual mindedness brings life and peace. These songs dont get you in "spiritual" state of mind or cause you to meditate on God.
But this is just my 2 cents.
I know you said you want to go to "next level" and thats good. But remember this, the higher you go in God the more of you has to die off. The more of what you believe or think its right has to go away so that God can shape and mold your mind into what He sees as acceptable. The higher you go, the more that is required of you. If you are confused about something go to God in prayer for understanding and He will give it to you. But when you go, go with the mind "whatever you will have me do Lord". Dont go with " i think or believe _____ is right".

this is some scriptures for you.

Ephesians 5:19 Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

1 John 2:15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Galatians 5:24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Romans 8:8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

I've always been a Christian but recently I've been trying to renew my mind and really be a better Christian...taking it to the "next level", if you will. I have a couple of struggles that I will post in seperate threads but the first one is about secular music.

What is wrong with it? I know hard core songs with cursing and talk of fornication or murder and things like that are bad (i.e. Nicki Minaj, JayZ, Lil Wayne, TI, etc.), but what is wrong with Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, Beyonce? I am a married woman so if I'm singing a song that mentions love/sex/relationships, what is wrong with that?
I know you said you want to go to "next level" and thats good. But remember this, the higher you go in God the more of you has to die off. The more of what you believe or think its right has to go away so that God can shape and mold your mind into what He sees as acceptable. The higher you go, the more that is required of you. If you are confused about something go to God in prayer for understanding and He will give it to you. But when you go, go with the mind "whatever you will have me do Lord". Dont go with " i think or believe _____ is right".

this is some scriptures for you.

Ephesians 5:19 Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

1 John 2:15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Galatians 5:24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Romans 8:8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

Wow thanks for doing some research and putting it in this thread. I will continue to pray about it and I know He will guide me as to what He wants me to do. It's just so hard because I love me some love songs and inspirational songs and I'm really struggling to let that go and really trying to understand why I have to.
Thanks to everyone who replied.:bighug:
What do you all think about gospel and christian rap/hip hop that use samples from secular songs? Or songs that don't sound like a "typical" Christian song?
Wow, we just discussed this on the rapture ready forums. I still listen to secular music but the Holy Spirit has taught me to discern what artists to listen to but also to listen to the words of the song to make sure it's not offensive to God. This is with even gospel music now. I really listen to Praise and Worship Music on Pandora when I'm at work and if I catch a song I really like then i'll write it down to download it to my ipod later on. If I'm in my car, I'm on this alternative station or BBN (bible broadcasting network). I can't stand rap and I'm not a huge fan of R&B music after 2000
What do you all think about gospel and christian rap/hip hop that use samples from secular songs? Or songs that don't sound like a "typical" Christian song?

I'm not really a fan of those. Especially Kirk Franklin and Mary, Mary. I don't feel or even see anything about Christ in their music. It's more inspirational but not really spreading the gospel of Christ. I am a fan of Christian rock because the most of the bands will sing about the Trinity/the Blood/ not afraid to speak the name of Jesus. If my state had a Praise and Worship or Christian Rock station, I will tune in a lot.
There's Christian secular artist. You may notice at first listen, but if you listen, the lyrics elude to their faith. Then there are secular artist who's music may not have overt Christian themes, but is uplifting.

And there's of course the sex, drug, and violence themed music I stay away from.

Then there's the straight demonic :nono:
What do you all think about gospel and christian rap/hip hop that use samples from secular songs? Or songs that don't sound like a "typical" Christian song?

I don't recall hearing a Christian song with a sample from a secular song. Do you have an example?
hair_rehab said:
What do you all think about gospel and christian rap/hip hop that use samples from secular songs? Or songs that don't sound like a "typical" Christian song?

I don't care for it.isn't that song by Kirk Franklin "smile" a sample from a secular song?But I dont too much like kirk music anyway..
I don't listen to secular music anymore. It was the last thing I gave up because I loved my music. Particularly old school R&B and smooth jazz. That music always takes me back to those old times. It brings to mind stuff that need to stay under the blood. So I can't listen to it.

I'm finding that some of this gospel music is using old school R&B beats that's why I don't listen to it. "Smile" by Kirk almost got me until I recognize an old school R&B beat. The same with Deitrick "A Sinner's Prayer." I stick with the traditional gospel music that touch my soul. I guess I'm just old school... :)
People dont realize that music isnt just something with words and a beat..but it can bring spirits and emotions with it
I don't believe all secular music is wrong. If the message is not something that dishonors God, I believe it is OK to listen to it.

I'm always reminded of Philippians 4:8 when it comes to secular music/movies, etc:

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things".

But as always, what is OK for one man may not be OK for another. As long as God approves either way, I don't see the problem.
I used to LOOOOVE old school R&B but I noticed that I really REALLY loved the sad love songs. The sadder the better. But my love life really was stinking badly LOL and I put two and two together. You're not just listening and dancing, you're repeating the words and speaking those things over your life. As the poster above mentioned, you are also adding emotion to it as well.

I worry more about my older children and the stuff they listen to that I don't have control over. Most of the rap lyrics I hear today is so negative.
Are we extending this to classical music as well?

Personally, I am not including classical music. There are some classical tunes that I occasionally play as background music while working or doing housework such as Bach. Classical music does not affect me in the way that other music does. The classical music I listen to is quite relaxing (IMO).
^^ How are we defining "secular" in this thread? I saw your earlier post where you mentioned that you do not listen to secular music anymore. However, classical music, by definition encompasses some secular music. I'm just curious/confused by your statement. Can you clarify? Thanks.
It is my error because I was not thinking in terms of the definition which is all non-religious music is defined as secular. So to make the correction I meant the secular music that I listed R&B and smooth jazz. Besides classical that is the only secular music I used to listen to. When responding to this post I actually had forgotten about classical.
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A lot of classical music was composed specifically for church. Handel and Bach in particular had very strong faith and it's really worth reading more about their lives. How Handel composed The Messiah is nothing short of divine inspiration IMO.

That's not all classical music, though. I've been to symphony performances where the spirit of the piece was just not godly and I had to tune out.

I used to LOOOOVE old school R&B but I noticed that I really REALLY loved the sad love songs. The sadder the better. But my love life really was stinking badly LOL and I put two and two together. You're not just listening and dancing, you're repeating the words and speaking those things over your life. As the poster above mentioned, you are also adding emotion to it as well.

This is what I was going to say. I was thinking not too long ago about all the songs I would listen to as a teenager, and how much junk I spoke into my life. I think women in particular learn to pine after men and romance in a way that is just not beneficial to us at all.
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I think it really depends on you as a person. If you have been in a bad place and certain music takes you back there, you should stop listening to it. If certain music encourages other feelings in you, then you should stay away from that.

I do not listen to music that talks about murder, drug use, fornication, etc. Secular music that I find inspirational, or love songs, or songs about dancing, having fun, friendship, etc. I have no problem with.

It takes a little more work to filter out those songs on Pandora or make playlists with only appropriate music. I stopped listening to the radio because there is no way to filter it. Even with edited versions the message is still there so I choose not to listen.

I do listen to jazz and classical music. It isn't connected to any memories for me so I don't have a problem with that.
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Please whenever you guys get the chance go to for information about Satan worship in the entertainment industry.
I don't know if anyone else posted that site because I didn't get a time to read replies...
but anyways for many years I have had dreams of being a singer professionally. Now I know that my voice is only for honoring God.
Secular music and the products that it supports are becoming more and more demonic. If they are not for Christ, they must be against Him. And they are becoming more and more obvious about their stance EVERY DAY.
The artists are required to pay tribute to the gods of greed, self satisfaction, and lust. They do so in an alarmingly obvious way today, and it is our responsibility as Christians to recognize this, and to point our youth to the obvious nature of this devil worship.
Love songs can contribute to the ministry of marriage, but as a single person they can fuel lust... So even then we must be careful.
Please PLEASE open your eyes ladies. They are trying to turn us (females) into lust starved, fame crazed, sexualized robots. The music affected me and I am watching how it affects others. I can't post more on this right now due to time. I will check back this evening.
What do you all think about gospel and christian rap/hip hop that use samples from secular songs? Or songs that don't sound like a "typical" Christian song?
Wonderful question! I asked this of my pastor several years ago. I was singing nursery rhymes to my then kids. What about jingles from TV ads etc. I wanted to know. He basically encouraged me to seek God, listen to lyrics, ask God to help me discern the spirit of those behind the music etc. He said if I am listening to R&B and thinking of my spouse, that's ok. If I listening to something and past relationships are evoked or I find my self fantasizing about the artist, the men at work, the UPS guy, then it's a no go. Our walks are not identical. I may be able to smoke like a chimney for the next 50 years w/o side effects. You may not. God specifically told me to stop drinking sodas a few years back. He may tell you to run 5 miles a day. We have to seek our maker individually to find out what we can and cannot do while in these mortal frames. If all else fails (meaning you are still growing in the area of discernment) err on the side of caution and don't listen to any secular music at all. Better safe than sorry. I'll highlight some of the excellent point you all have made.
Wow thanks for doing some research and putting it in this thread. I will continue to pray about it and I know He will guide me as to what He wants me to do. It's just so hard because I love me some love songs and inspirational songs and I'm really struggling to let that go and really trying to understand why I have to.
Thanks to everyone who replied.:bighug:

I don't believe all secular music is wrong. If the message is not something that dishonors God, I believe it is OK to listen to it.

I'm always reminded of Philippians 4:8 when it comes to secular music/movies, etc:

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things".

But as always, what is OK for one man may not be OK for another. As long as God approves either way, I don't see the problem.

A lot of classical music was composed specifically for church. Handel and Bach in particular had very strong faith and it's really worth reading more about their lives. How Handel composed The Messiah is nothing short of divine inspiration IMO.

That's not all classical music, though. I've been to symphony performances where the spirit of the piece was just not godly and I had to tune out.

This is what I was going to say. I was thinking not too long ago about all the songs I would listen to as a teenager, and how much junk I spoke into my life. I think women in particular learn to pine after men and romance in a way that is just not beneficial to us at all.
Yes^^^, once I understood that then I understood why I needed to stop reading my beloved romance novels (akin to soft porn for me), stop watching soap operas, etc. The serpent is very subtle but effective none the less. Satan was chief musician. God is not an 'Indian giver' (I mean NO disrespect to any Native Americans by use of that term:nono:. I do not even refer to NAs as such since I know the term is racially offensive.). Satan still has an ability to woo using music. Think of the Pied Piper...
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Wonderful question! I asked this of my pastor several years ago. I was singing nursery rhymes to my then kids. What about jingles from TV ads etc. I wanted to know. He basically encouraged me to seek God, listen to lyrics, ask God to help me discern the spirit of those behind the music etc. He said if I am listening to R&B and thinking of my spouse, that's ok. If I listening to something and past relationships are evoked or I find my self fantasizing about the artist, the men at work, the UPS guy, then it's a no go. Our walks are not identical. I may be able to smoke like a chimney for the next 50 years w/o side effects. You may not. God specifically told me to stop drinking sodas a few years back. He may tell you to run 5 miles a day. We have to seek our maker individually to find out what we can and cannot do while in these mortal frames. If all else fails (meaning you are still growing in the area of discernment) err on the side of caution and don't listen to any secular music at all. Better safe than sorry. I'll highlight some of the excellent point you all have made.

Yes^^^, once I understood that then I understood why I needed to stop reading my beloved romance novels (akin to soft porn for me), stop watching soap operas, etc. The serpent is very subtle but effective none the less. Satan was chief musician. God is not an 'Indian giver' (I mean NO disrespect to any Native Americans by use of that term:nono:. I do not even refer to NAs as such since I know the term is racially offensive.). Satan still has an ability to woo using music.

Think of the Pied Piper...

Prudent1 ...

Excellent analogy... :yep:
I just wanted to add... I remember feeling "forces" come upon me as a child when I listened to music.
I would sit and cry about unrequited love at age 11 while listening to EWF, Mary J, The emotions... I was a MESS!!! It was almost like I was expressing emotions that I would feel later on in life. FOR NO REASON!!!!
Music used to really REALLY have an effect on me as a child. Its very hard to explain now that I am an adult, because now the feelings have merit due to my experiences. I can't however explain why I was able to understand these emotions as a child. I used to listen to "who's loving you" by Michael Jackson and cry for hours. This was in middle school... age 10-12. Why???
Music is powerful yall.
Well maybe I'm just not that deep in this area but music doesn't make me. I mean there mess in every facet. Be it gospel or secular. I listen to music for what I'm trying to do. When I'm working out no gospel is going to give me that drive I need, I have tried and it doesn't work. I guess one has to be like hyper sensitive to stuff to be emotional to a song. If I was going through a certain spot or something then I can see that. I'm extra leery to christian music esp at churches bc I believe they try and catch people up with it. Its as if they place the most heart touching piece before tithes and offering to make people give emotionally. Maybe I need to be reproached on this matter.