
New Member
my last touch up was at the beginning of march and now the new growth in the crown and back of my head is soo thick that i can't really maintain styles even though im washing and dc every 5 days. yesterday my hair was so hard and felt dry like a helmet that today i dc'ed on dry hair. the ng is ok for now, but tomorro it will be hard again. lately i have been letting it air dry and the next day flat ironing with ic heat protectant. still at the end of like 4 days my hair is hard and brittle again. even bigger than that im having breakage and can't tell if it's normal or not :wallbash:. some of the hairs will be shed with bulbs but the majority of them are broken. im so scared because it's not even 8 weeks yet and im about to switch to lye. ive been using the gro-aut oil. all of my hairs are floating in the toilet, but they are broken. i think it's time i go ahead and get that touch up so i can retain length. in wash day there's about25-30 hairs. i dont comb until wash day. 2day there was about the same number of hairs. what to do ladies??
Too much protein maybe? Have you tried a moisturizing conditioner? My hair didn't like protein treatments and would be very hard and crunchy. Sorry, I couldn't be of more help.
:sad: I cant really give advise on this topic since you are having some breakage problems. Hopefully the pros will come in... I also dont understand why your hair always feels hard. I am curious if your moisture-protein balance is on point. I noticed My hair feels hard when using protein. Also, do you think you are flat-ironing too much even if you are using a heat-protectant? idk, sorry....I knew exactly what was causing my breakage in the past which was overprocessing time after time. Hope you find a great solution. Best wishes!
Hey knotty :wave:

Try co washing every few days or dc'ing more frequently. And you need to cut out that heat, girl! :spank:

If you must flat iron, try doing it every other week instead of every week, or cut it out all together. The weeks that you don't use heat, try rollersetting or just put your hair in a simple bun. Do you pre poo? I've noticed that since I started pre pooing with oil, my newgrowth has been a lot more managable and soft. I also have less breakage, and my hair just feels super moisturized. I love it! :yep:
Hey knotty :wave:

Try co washing every few days or dc'ing more frequently. And you need to cut out that heat, girl! :spank:

If you must flat iron, try doing it every other week instead of every week, or cut it out all together. The weeks that you don't use heat, try rollersetting or just put your hair in a simple bun. Do you pre poo? I've noticed that since I started pre pooing with oil, my newgrowth has been a lot more managable and soft. I also have less breakage, and my hair just feels super moisturized. I love it! :yep:

HI TIFFERS!!! :wave: THANK GOD YOU'RE ON!! girl, im in the house like this >>>:whyme:lol! ive been trying to figure out if it's breakage, dryness, protein? i dont know. ive been alternating the protein and moisture so i dont understand. the ng is thiiiiick! i think im going to up the dc'ing for another week or so. i got the helmet head tho and i think ill be starting a new job soon. so u know how that go with the first impressions. i have only flatironed 2wice. but i didnt do it today after the wash. im chillin out on that. i pre pooed b4 with coconut oil but remember u were telling me about the mineral deposits so i didnt use that. i could have used olive oil but chose not to cuz i thought i would b using too many products. trying to keep it simple over here. the dc on dry hair was done with the lustrasilk liquid cholesterol. it has plenty of oils and good stuff. i sat under the dryer for an hour and then slept for another hour and a half and when i woke i gently shampooed and then leave in conditioned with nexxus headress. sooo..what do u think?