I'm scared..Fotki

Girl, you never know who is looking! Can I just share a quick story? I have picture on Flickr, too. I have a knitting and crochet album. I was showing off in a photo a bracelet that I had knit with wire and beads. I got a comments saying something like "Nice bracelet. You have lovely fingers and your wrist would look good in a gold-tone Bulova watch." I was like, hmmm, interesting. I went to the commenter's page and he didn't have any photos of his own, so I went to see photos he had saved under his "Favorites." Let me tell you, there were 28, TWENTY-EIGHT!!!, pages of favorites, including my pic, all of women's hands and wrists. Sometimes the women were showing bracelets like me, sometimes it just so happened their wrists were included in the photos. Sometimes he'd just have a photo of a watch saved and his comment would be like "this would look so nice on a woman's wrist" . I was like :perplexed :lachen: :nuts: Just to say, you never know.

Oooh wow...that's really creepy...a wrist fetish?!
o'm about to lock this sucka...i noticed some white man lurking in my fotki!! for what? 'im look like a pehdophile..
Now that we have the new option of seeing guest on Fotki...Does any one else have strange men on their guest list that you know is not interested in black hair....When I saw it..... I clicked on his Fotki and he has albums of biker women....

This has me thinking about locking my Fotki to friends only.....Has anyone else experience this??????????

And now people ask some of us why we don't have pics or avatars :rolleyes:
Wow - I never knew about this. I created my fotki when I first joined NP about a year and a half ago. And not very many people locked their albums on NP. When I joined here it seems like a lot of people lock their albums - and I had to add people to my buddy list just to see their albums. I guess when you join a bigger community you can get exposed to some weird people out there. I just checked "My Guests" - all lovely ladies from here and NP.
I've never had any issues and it doesn't scare me one bit. I'll only lock down if I personally feel threatened in any way, but for now I don't.

Same here. I don't pose in my bra nor do I show my whole face (only the side at most), so I'm not worried about it for now.
i dont have any weird people looking but y'alll are scaring me especially with the wrists thing.i like people just to browse though. i find having to use passwords so annoying:wallbash: especially when you lock EVERY album!:angry2:. if you are going to use passwords please put everything in one folder and just lock the first one. its like going into fort knox sometimes!

Im still contemplating if i should or not.
Now that we have the new option of seeing guest on Fotki...Does any one else have strange men on their guest list that you know is not interested in black hair....When I saw it..... I clicked on his Fotki and he has albums of biker women....

This has me thinking about locking my Fotki to friends only.....Has anyone else experience this??????????

pS your password is in your siggy.

I have my settings that only allow friends to post comments on my pictures....I keep my password in my profile....that is so creepy....
Just know you all scared the heck out of me. My dd's pictures are locked but mine were open and free! I went and saw some strange man on my friends of list and that was not a good look. I removed him and locked it all up! :hide: And there has been some strange folks coming to my page that have fotki put no photos and have been members to long not to have any.
This is why I don't post pics. You never know who is looking at them. :( It would be nice if there was a private LHCF forum or LHCF-like site for pictures. Only people who have pictures can look at them and maybe we could do a quick bckground check before people can gain access to it. :yep: Or, maybe a requirement could be that you have to attend at least one area meeting to gain access to it.
Psycho men. Now everyone will have to post passwords in their profile and lock their Fotki down.
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Girl, you never know who is looking! Can I just share a quick story? I have picture on Flickr, too. I have a knitting and crochet album. I was showing off in a photo a bracelet that I had knit with wire and beads. I got a comments saying something like "Nice bracelet. You have lovely fingers and your wrist would look good in a gold-tone Bulova watch." I was like, hmmm, interesting. I went to the commenter's page and he didn't have any photos of his own, so I went to see photos he had saved under his "Favorites." Let me tell you, there were 28, TWENTY-EIGHT!!!, pages of favorites, including my pic, all of women's hands and wrists. Sometimes the women were showing bracelets like me, sometimes it just so happened their wrists were included in the photos. Sometimes he'd just have a photo of a watch saved and his comment would be like "this would look so nice on a woman's wrist" . I was like :perplexed :lachen: :nuts: Just to say, you never know.

:lachen::lachen:He prolly cna't even AFFORD a watch. Sittin at home in his draws eatin captain crunch fantasizing about hands....u know some people do have those weird fetishes :perplexed
For now I think I may just do some editing.......take the pics down that I may be uncomfortable with which isn't many.....just so I can keep my album open. I dunno, this has me kinda creeped out.
That was one of the reasons mentioned in the thread about why people have fotki passwords. Anybody in the fotki community can see your album or it could pop up in search engines. People said they felt more comfortable knowing that it would only be ladies from the board visiting versus a lot of unknown random people.
pS your password is in your siggy.

I have my settings that only allow friends to post comments on my pictures....I keep my password in my profile....that is so creepy....

I just added my password in my siggy and profile when I locked it up yesterday...I want all of you to be able to check on me and leave me tips or whatever....If I find they are lurking here then you'll have to PM to get my password......

Oh and the weirdos name is Caddimann76......He was spotted on a couple of other LHCF Fotki's as well
OMG...I put psswrds And he still got in!!!

This is so not cool...I put passwords and He visited my Fotki again today...I only put my passwords to my fotki on my siggy here and profile...so I'm changing it and all of you will have to PM me to get password....

This is really scares me ...This means he took the time to look up my passwords:nono:
Re: OMG...I put psswrds And he still got in!!!

i think the "guest" feature records all people that visit your fotki in general, regardless of if they're able to get to your locked pictures. even if he got to your page where it asked for a password, he still visited your page, and it recorded him being there.

after you changed your pswd the 1st time, did it say that he visited your page the day of, or after, you changed it?
Re: OMG...I put psswrds And he still got in!!!

i think the "guest" feature records all people that visit your fotki in general, regardless of if they're able to get to your locked pictures. even if he got to your page where it asked for a password, he still visited your page, and it recorded him being there.

after you changed your pswd the 1st time, did it say that he visited your page the day of, or after, you changed it?

Yes I blocked it yesterday after he visited it...and he just visited today a few minutes ago......
They can't be any stranger than the men I pass on the street everyday. I ain't locking nuthin.

Its not the fact that he's a stranger..It the fact that he maybe jerking off to my pictures disturbs me....He took the time to research my new passwrd lets me know I wasn't just trippin' he might be a problem....
Its not the fact that he's a stranger..It the fact that he maybe jerking off to my pictures disturbs me....He took the time to research my new passwrd lets me know I wasn't just trippin' he might be a problem....
Well, that person could also be doing it to your LHCF avatar pic and / or siggy pic.