I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple!!


Well-Known Member
OMG!!! Best Shapoo EVAAAA!!!!!:yahoo::clapping::grin:

I've been on a mission to find a sulfate free shampoo that would work well for my hair leave it feeling clean but also moisturized, I tried burt's bees shampoo ugh:nono: did nothing for my hair but leave it feeling stripped and didnt even clean my scalp it was expensive too.

I heard of nourish spa several times but was never super motivated to go get it, then I randomly read an interview with mwedzi on a blog where she said thats her staple poo and I was like okay thats a genuine 4b this may really work for me!! So I went to Trader Joe's to go get it and it costs like $2.50 for the shampoo and same price for the conditioner!! I mean you can't beat that price and you get a good size for it too!! I loved the fact that it was completely organic and natural. So I definitely had high hopes.

I tried it yesterday and you guys my scalp was sooooo clean my hair was moisturized and it smells delicious like a fresh citrusy fruit...its the BEST!! I couldn't be happier I'm so glad to FINALLY have a staple poo:grin:

If you've been on the fence with Nourispa, give it a try....its soooo worth it!!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

NourishSpa is my favorite too. Glad you finally discovered it!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I have heard so much about this shampoo! Too bad there are no Trader Joe's in my area. Do you mind me asking if you could post the ingredients for the shampoo? I am in the market for a sulfate shampoo to use while wearing braids.

ETA: I was able to the find the ingredients and unfortunately can not use due to my son allergy to mangoes.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I love the conditioner but never tried the poo. Glad to hear it worked for you!!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I'm glad you found something that works for you! Enjoy :)
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I have both the shampoo and the conditioner. I have used the condish and I LOVE IT!!! I have yet to use the shampoo, but I have high hopes based off my experience with the conditioner thus far. I'm REALLY aiming to keep my regimen not only simple, but financially feasible. Nothing to do with the whole rescission business, but I have serious shoe and dress fetish that ain't goin nowhere's!! And since, I know my hair doesn't NEED a $30 bottle of condish or poo EVERY month, I'm good with saving here and there and spluring....should shoes and dresses go out of style...lol. All jokes aside, I love my 4a/b some 3 (not into texture types..so the preceding may not be accurate..lol) hair and I try to do what I think is best...nuff said. but I digress...looking forward to using the SHAMPOO!!!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I love this shampoo. It's the best and also my staple shampoo. Cleans without stripping and very affordable.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Does anyone happen to know of any poos that have the same ingredients as the Nourish Spa?
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I am a fan of both the shampoo and conditioner.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I love the conditioner, but have yet to use the shampoo. The next time I go to a Trader Joe's, I will definitely be picking this up.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

:clapping: I’m so glad that you’ve found something that works so well for you.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

thanks for the review i'm looking for a shampoo now that i'm using a topical growth aid my scalp gets so much build up. Glad you've found a staple.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Now if only i could get a Trader Joe's in TX.....
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I had to come back, I used the shampoo this past weekend...and YES..it works GREAT for my hair. It lathers well, the smell isn't too overbearing and I don't have that itchy, but clean scalp thing going on. I think this will just have to be my staple 'poo. Now if I could just find a great moisturizing DC....
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Its seriously the best:yep:

As for a moisturizing DC I recommend LeKair Shea Butter Cholesterol or on the higher end Aveda Damage remedy both super duper moisturizing
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Thanks for this info... putting it on my list to get this weekend!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Okay ladies. I have been looking for a great shampoo and would love to try this one; however, there is no Trader Joe's near me and apparently they do not have an online store (or they do not sell their products online).:nono:

Would anyone who lives near a Trader Joes be willing to buy me some products if I send you the money and mail them to me?:perplexed It would be really appreciated. If you can help a sister out, please PM me so that we can work out the details.

Thanks ladies!!
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Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Yep TJ's condish is the best for the price!! I refuse to move to anyplace that does not have a TJ :yep:.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I'm glad this works for you. I use the nourish spa shampoo for my first lather, then follow up with CON. If I had more product build-up between washes, it would probably be all I need!
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Okay ladies. I have been looking for a great shampoo and would love to try this one; however, there is no Trader Joe's near me and apparently they do not have an online store (or they do not sell their products online).:nono:

Would anyone who lives near a Trader Joes be willing to buy me some products if I send you the money and mail them to me?:perplexed It would be really appreciated. If you can help a sister out, please PM me so that we can work out the details.

Thanks ladies!!

I would love to help you out. PM me your info and we can make an arrangement.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

I have never tried the poo....buy I will now.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Glad you’ve found something that works well for you :grin:.
Re: I'm in LOVE with Nourish Spa Shampoo!!! I've finally found my Sulfate Free Staple

Man...wish I had a Trader Joes in my area so I could try this...thanks for the rave review!!