If you shave your head will the hair grow back thicker?


New Member
Like when you shave your legs for example?
I'm just wondering, I'm not planning to do it.

I also saw a pic of this girl's hair on another forum who shaved her head to start again with her hair growing and it looks very thick...
I wouldn't try it!!! I read in Shamboosie's Beautiful Black Hair (a paperback book) that you should never let anyone convince you that you should shave or cut all your hair off and start over! There's always something that can be done! If you want it thicker, just do baby trims at regular intervals, and keep the hair moist/lubricated to avoid breakage which leads to...thinning. This is of course if you don't want to do the BC. :eek:
When I shave my legs, the hair grows in finer.

I think that would go the same if you shaved your head. Eventually, it will get thicker as the hair grows out. :yep:
LMAO!! i shaved my eyebrows off once hoping they'd grow back thicker...they didn't!! i still have to draw them suckers in everyday!!

i just gave myself a clear rinse and i've been keeping up on my trims and inconsistently airdying. all of that has helped to "thicken" my hair. b/c really there isn't anything you can do to get thicker hair other than ruffle or coat the cuticle.

good luck!! i'm glad you asked though before you shaved your head!!
It just looks that way because at one time the chick was dang near bald.
I have pics of my pseudo-bald head in my album.

I think you should shave your head. That way your hair will start off healthy and fresh.

Poohbear said:
When I shave my legs, the hair grows in finer.

I think that would go the same if you shaved your head. Eventually, it will get thicker as the hair grows out. :yep:

Same here poohbear my hair grows back finer. And is seems you would get hair bumps on your sclap too.
An asian girl at my job kept doing this with her very young son shaving him billiard bald. I asked her why and she told me that his hair was not growing in thick and did this to make it grow in thicker. :ohwell:
In my opinion, since I started epilating, my leg hair has been much finer than when I shaved it. I don't think it's just the illusion of the blunt/not blunt ends. Just seems like lots less hair.

I wouldn't have the guts to shave my head!
I think though, that if I had really really bad damage, it'd be the best thing to do. Get rid of all the bad hair, split ends and everything.

Here's the girl I was talking about.
Look how thick the plaits are!