If the bottle says to use it ONE time per week, then why do y'all use it so much?


New Member
I am talking about MTG (mane tail groom). And that 1x per week in on HORSES...and I would imagine their "scalps" being tougher than that of humans.

Are results better when used more often?

Do you think it is damaging to use it more than the recommended usage?

I am not knocking anyone who uses it by any means. I use it in my kids' hair weekly. I am thinking about adding it to my reggie. ESPECIALLY after looking at Kinikakes (sp?) fotki:drool: .

(edited to correct a spelling error that i caught)
Are results better when used more often?
Definitely, I use mine atleast 3x weekly.

Do you think it is damaging to use it more than the recommended usage?

Girl not at all! When I'm on my A game with my hair I use it 5x weekly
I haven't had any problems

I am not knocking anyone who uses it by any means. I use it in my kids' hair weekly. I am thinking about adding it to my reggie. ESPECIALLY after looking at Kinikakes (sp?) fotki:drool: .

I think that the reason you would have to apply it 1 per week for a horse is because the mane and tail area for a horse would require more oil than that of the human scalp......................:perplexed
Good questions! :)

I cant really say that i know the answers..... but i will say that I, too, have found that its more effective when used several times a week, versus once per week (and this goes for both MTG and BT). I think that using it only once or twice a week is useless and, essentially, a waste of the product and your time. I say use it every day if you can and, if not, try to go at least every other day! :D