If one more natural..............

You have gorgeous hair! WOW! :yep: It is an inspiration for me to see anyone with long gorgeous hair, relaxed or natural!:rolleyes:
Not me, I love alllllllll hair, including the ones you get receipts for :grin:.....And you know it's not always about relaxed or natural, it coulda just been length envy :ohwell:
Mmm maybe it had nothing to do with relaxed vs natural. Maybe they were PLAIN haters. Maybe jealous of not being able to grow their hair when it was permed ..I dont know I cant really answer for them.

However , I do know that there are some natural natzis that do look down on women with permed hair and vice versa it really goes both ways IMO. Plus, there are straight up IN DENIAL LOST sistas that feel like its almost a shame to wear your own dayum hair out. It takes all kind of person to make a world.

Just ignore that as long as YOU'RE happy and confident who gives a flying *** what others think. When my hair was pressed I got nasty looks from all kind of person as well as when im in braids I get looked at... as if I was a bald b**** and when my hair is natural I get all type of comments . Do I care really? Naw man.

There are way too many haters , lost, ignorant f*cks out there for me to pay attention. Don't get me wrong if someone compliments me I will be thankful but negativity is really not important in my life.

Youre beautiful and so is your hair so do me a favor hun be grateful for your hair and DO NOT pay attention to h8ters.

Now normally i'm relaxed (stretching 6 mths post) and I dont' have beef with ya'll naturals,

but if one more Natural in real life looks at my relaxed looking hair with an attitude, i'm gonna snap (no violence for ya'll thinking it:).

I have experienced this several times before; even chicks with weaves have tried to play me.

I was at work and this chick has natural hair, she wears it in a puff, i guess she just started on her journey. That's cool I love all hair, I was in the bathroom and she was in there I went to wash my hands and she gave my hair a dirty look (I know in her mind she was like relaxed heff#r lol).

I don't look at naturals hair with dirty looks nor do I care, I accept all hair because when taken care of black hair is beautiful.

just had to get this off of my chest.

To the Naturals do you look down on women with relaxed hair?

And to the relaxed ladies do you look down on chicks with natural hair?

It shouldn't even matter but I just posted this because I have noticed my hair getting dirty looks from naturals and chicks with weaves.

***and I have no issues with weaves, naturals, relaxed, or chicks with longer hair than mine***
I don't look down on relaxed women. I always think people think that of me though. Whenever I'm in my Af-Am studies class, the teacher has sisterlocks and sometimes she talks about hair. I feel like all the relaxed hair girls are thinking everyone with natural hair thinks like that. It's not that serious for me though.
I think sometimes we can be a bit judgemental, how come when women relax its seen as destroying themselves and not as a woman choosing to do whatever she wants to her hair? We are so diverse and beautiful that I think however we wear our hair is what it is. I've seen quite a few women with beautiful relaxed hair, my best friend is relaxed and I relax her hair for her so her hair is the ISH, lol, me on the other hand, I'm natural but if I chose to relax then I'd still be the bomb, lol
I've never looked down on relaxed ladies or weave wearing ones. I do have one relaxed girl though at my local drugstore that every time I check out with her she prints me off a coupon for $5 a relaxer:perplexed

:dead: You aren't serious!!!!!! lol Anyway longhairlover, I just want to say as a natural, I think your hair is so beautiful and I wish my ends would stay and precise looking as yours, and lets not talk about the shine.
I have to admit that I really don't care what people do with their hair because I'm not paying for whatever they do... I'll stop and admire a beautiful of napps like I would admire a beautiful straight do. To me healthy hair is beautiful hair and regardless of its texture, it'll show. When I first went natural, people used to stare at me, but now that it is longer I actually get compliments... I noticed that natural hair is more accepted or admired when it is long... I give a nasty look when I see a messy head of napps or a woman with a weave that does blend well with their hair and their jacked up edges...
Seriously, *** whoever is looking at you crazy. Regardless of WHAT your hair looks like, relaxed or natural, fly or horrible, SOMEBODY is going to have an issue. Whether it's hate, envy, jealousy, admiration, or awe, you are never going to make everybody happy, so do me (and yourself) a favor and make YOU happy about your hair.

Beautiful hair is beautiful hair, and you have beautiful hair. You know it, so don't worry about it.
First of all, this whole idea of "relaxed vs natural" is new to me. I have never known that there were naturals who looked down on me for relaxing until I came to the forum and started caring more for my hair. I do want to say that I don't look down on my natural sisters just because they don't straighten their hair. How silly and shallow that would be.

This reminds me of a video I saw today on youtube. I don't like the title of the video, but if you have time, watch...

I think she was right on point...

I'm not sure how you know that the lady was looking down on you because of your hair. Maybe she didnt like your earrings? or your shirt?

I would say, let's not be too quick to judge others, or otherwise, we will always think they are judging us
At my previous job back in Chicago there were a lot of naturals that wore puffs, twists and twa's. What I didn't like is that they would exclude you from hair conversations and when they did include you if you were relaxed it was to talk about how happy they were to no longer be relaxed. At that time I was relaxed and hated to come to work with a fresh relaxer because they would always make a comment about "those chemicals" I put in my hair. I'm natural now and still don't relate to the whole "I'm better because I'm natural" mind set because for me it wasn't a deep choice for me to go natural, it was more an understanding of MY hair and that I personally didn't feel I needed one. I love the blog afrobella, but the one thing I don't like is that a lot of natural commenters on that blog make a lot of negative comments towards relaxed ladies as if they are poor lost souls. That's just some women for you.
LMAO @ this thread
LongHairLover, she was probably looking at your hair wishing it was hers, maybe not that its relaxed. I don't look down on anybody with a relaxer. Hey that was me for 26 years! I can flatiron my hair and honestly you would never know I was natural. I will admit I will look down on women with scraggly hair, natural or relaxed.
I do not care and MY hair is very healthy but i LOVE curls so i am thinking about going natural via crown and glory method ALL black hair is beautifil from 1a-10z.......lol
I will never understand why it matters. So someone you don't know doesn't like your hair, oh well. These threads going "Ooo this relaxed trick was sneering at my pretty natural hair/Ooo this natural trick was sneering at my pretty relaxed hair" Same ol, same ol
No I don't but I do look at folks with jacked up hair sideways whether natural, relaxed or whatever. As I a natural I have gotten weird looks from relaxed ladies when I am wearing my puff. Or folks will look, shake their head and say, "I don't know how you deal with all of that." I reply, "oh you mean deal with long, beautiful, long, and nappy hair the way God made it? I deal quite well thank you." You are darned if you do and darned if you don't. Q
To the Naturals do you look down on women with relaxed hair?


Never even knew hair was political or a cause for bigotry in any sense till I joined hair forums and discovered that people actually use negative and positive adjectives w/r/t texture or how another wishes to wear his or her hair. Relaxed, natural, texlaxed, texturized, jheri curled, loc'd, shaven,...you name it!...to me are such refreshing differences that I have never understood why anyone should give a rat's bum what another does with his or her hair. :rolleyes: Just MYOB and let the next person do their hair however they want. After all, no one died and made anyone the boss of how the other does his or her hair. :rolleyes:
I don't look at relaxed heads in a negative light. Being natural is a personal choice and it does not work for everyone. The beauty of black hair is that just like our skin tones, it comes in many different shapes, lengths, and textures.
I was thinking the same thing. Transitioning can leave you looking like whodunit sometimes. :ohwell: People will look at your head like WTF IS GOING ON??!?!?! in a heart beat.

They still look at me like that sometimes and I've been natural for months.:lachen::lachen:

But on topic, I don't mean mug anyone's hair, even people with jacked up hair. I won't lie I will give a disapproving look to someone with a jacked up wig or weave:nono: I mean if you are going to take the time and effort AND money to add hair at least keep it up.
I am newly natural, and honestly, I would never look down upon anyone wearing a relaxer. Up until two years ago, I was relaxed my darn self. How would I look acting all holier-than-thou now? :ohwell:

Also, I have no qualms in going up to anyone and telling them their hair looks beautiful ... whether they're relaxed or natural. I don't get jealous over other people's hair. I'm too busy frettin' and fussin' over my own.
Now normally i'm relaxed (stretching 6 mths post) and I dont' have beef with ya'll naturals,

but if one more Natural in real life looks at my relaxed looking hair with an attitude, i'm gonna snap (no violence for ya'll thinking it:).

I have experienced this several times before; even chicks with weaves have tried to play me.

I was at work and this chick has natural hair, she wears it in a puff, i guess she just started on her journey. That's cool I love all hair, I was in the bathroom and she was in there I went to wash my hands and she gave my hair a dirty look (I know in her mind she was like relaxed heff#r lol).

I don't look at naturals hair with dirty looks nor do I care, I accept all hair because when taken care of black hair is beautiful.

just had to get this off of my chest.

To the Naturals do you look down on women with relaxed hair?

And to the relaxed ladies do you look down on chicks with natural hair?

It shouldn't even matter but I just posted this because I have noticed my hair getting dirty looks from naturals and chicks with weaves.

***and I have no issues with weaves, naturals, relaxed, or chicks with longer hair than mine***

I think the looks you are getting are the Green Eyed Monsters of jealousy....you have beautiful hair.
Nope--don't look down on relaxed heads at all. I appreciate the beauty of healthy relaxed hair too. Plus, I get the most compliments on my hair from relaxer wearers, usually telling me in some way how they wish they could go natural, go figure.
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Well, I'm a newly natural and I don't look down on anyone unless they approach me with an attitude. Like some chick came up to me and asked me why would I cut all my hair off. Did I mess up my relaxed hair? I felt that was rude and so I told her I decided to no longer conform if you know what I mean. Plus she had no edges and her hair was jacked. She needed to start over. And she definitely had no business in my face with her hair lookin the way it did.

Now I don't care what people chose to do with their hair. I was relaxed for many years and once I found LHCF my relaxed hair thrived and I enjoyed it. But since I went natural I have about 3 friends transitioning and my mom is too. I didn't try to convince anyone to do it they ask me questions and I answer to the best of my knowledge.

So although this goes on with both sides. I wouldn't let it get to me or cause me to feel negative toward other naturals. For 1, it might not even be about the hair and 2, its just hair and yours is gorgeous.
Pretty hair is pretty hair...as long as it looks good. Short, long, relaxed, natural, tex...
I drool over many heads on this board!