I got my new wigs yesterday. I will be baggying under those bad boys to hang on to my ends but they are pretty bad. I think I may do some dusting soon
Don't dust your ends! Stay away from the scissors!

I'm going to try and not cut my ends until my next relaxer in March.

I'm 2 1/2 inches aways from APL. I've been french braiding my hair for the past 2 months. The style is boring but well worth it to protect my hair.

My reggie will include:
Hot oil treatment
Wash with Hair one
Deep condition with mix of deep conditioners
Add Hair one as leave-in
Air dry
Moisturize and seal
French braid hair

I will alternate with Aphogee 2 minute protein treatment to strengthen my hair..

Wish me luck
Originally posted in July
Add me :hiya:
I will not cut until December 31, 2010 or until I'm beyond APL - whichever is first.
I'll make sure I take a picture to track my progress.

My hair plan:
DC with every wash
Shampoo once per month and co-wash all other washes
Use protein conditioner when I shampoo (once per month)
Moisturize and seal at least nightly

I think that's it. I use heat frequently :grin:

I failed :grin:
I big chopped in September getting rid of all my relaxed ends and I just dusted today. Sticking to my hair plan above and my hair is growing. I dusted because I noticed the comb snagging the ends. BTW I updated pics in my fotki today too.
Well I forgot I was in this Challenge and I got a 2.5 inch cut that I really needed. Oh well I am starting fresh now so baby I can get back on the grind.:perplexed
Welcome new challengers! :)

Update: Well I haven't cut my hair but I think I need to stop dusting as often. I also seriously need to start baggying to keep my end healthy until May.
It really pays off not to cut or trim. I have been soooo tempted to do so, but last night I took some pre-perm pics...I'm relaxing today and was really happy to see how much progress I've made...see thru ends are diminishing the longer it grows and I will do a trim around June/July haven't done a trim or dust in about a year. :yep:

Phew, time sure does fly.

How are my Ms.Blue and KnottyByNature March Challengers doing? Did you make it without cutting?

I am doing great in not cutting for once in my life! lol It will be a year since I had it cut this June. I have dusted single strand knots and splits at the very ends. I also notice that my ends are thinner than the rest of my hair but hopefully that will decrease as I gain more length as @SHEANITPRO mentioned!

Well......... Ladies, I've certainly failed. I have cut my hair TWICE since I joined this challenge. Cutting off a total of about 2-3 inches leaving me...... exactly where I started. I got a trim last time I roller set and I got my hair cut by a devachan trained stylist, and I really love the shape of my hair now that I've had a proper curly cut ( no idea what it looks like straight though)

I'm getting back on the horse and sticking with my end date, since that would still be 5 months with no cutting, which would be a success at this rate. I have been pretty good to my hair though, fell off the oiling wagon and the deep conditioning wagon, but I am wrapping my hair at night much much more than i used to.

Baby steps I guess.