I think my hair must have been really damaged.. .

before I started transitioning I had just above shoulder length relaxed hair. THe main reasons I decided to transition were because it was breaking like crazy, and I was just tired of trying so hard to make my hair grow long with a relaxer. Anyway a lot of new growth since I stared about 3 inches in the last 4 months. Anyway my relaxed hair never stopped breaking off even during the transition. ANy time I wash or condition, strands just fall out. I wear my hair in bun or two buns (Princess Lea look from Star Wars) and wear one of those instant weaves so that I don't have to manipulate my hair too much. Has anyone had this problem during the transition, and if so, should I just keep allowing the hair to fall, or go ahead and do the big chop?
I've never transitioned and I'm just taking a big guess on this, but maybe it wuld be a good idea to cut it if it's still breaking and not responding to lots of moisture and babying because if the ends are split or the shaft busted and cortex exposed and other bad stuff, the damage will eventually spread to the new growth and cause breakag there also......just what I think...
It depends... if you are comfortable with having really short hair, then go for it
It nice to have a fresh sart with only healthy hair on your head.

If you aren't comfortable with having short hair, then you can just trim it regularly, or wait until you have more new growth to do the big chop.
I'm having the same problem sunshine. I think that my hair is overprocessed, which is really shocking to me because I did everything I could to avoid that. It sheds, it breaks (when wet, sometimes little pieces fall off when dry) and I don't know what to do to stop it. I guess I'll start trimming. I'm still hoping that with regular trimming I can hold on to some for the next 11 months because that was when I originally planned to do the big chop. I would seriously not be comfortable at all with short hair so I'm tryin' wait. I'm having my struggles though...the best thing for me is to keep it "set" in some way like a rollerset and make it last for as long as possible so that I don't have to keep messing with it. I wear it in a curly puff at the back of my head which is really cute. I'm just tryin' to manipulate the least amount possible. It's the only thing saving it.
I have 4A/B hair and I am transitioning as well....my natural hairtype is so far off from my relaxed hair that I'm getting a lot of breakage (more than when I wasn't transitioning) and I plan on cutting my hair in the next 2-4 mths. I think I'm going to start doing mini chops every month while I'm growing my hair out. I plan on getting braids this month as well to help with my transition.
