I think my Bhringraj oil masked the MTG smell


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share my experience.

I have such a hard time with the smell of MTG. I even tried to make my own with oil and sulfur powder, but it was just too gritty.

I don't use it too often because of that smell - even with essential oils and other things. But, last night, I decided to use it full strength since I am washing my braids this weekend. I put my Vadik Bhringraj oil (love how this makes my hair look) on my scalp and new growth and then put full strength MTG over it. I also sprayed my normal Better Braids spray on top of that (I know it's a lot but moist braids are better braids :) ) and tied my hair before bed.

Anyway, I had done this before w/o the Bhringraj and tied my hair as normal as still smelled that MTG smell all the next day.

This morning, I don't smell MTG at all, but I do smell the Bhringraj oil, which is a nice shampooey smell.

I am very surprised!

Now, the Bhringraj oil says to wash out after leaving in for 8 hours, but I never do that because it makes my hair look so nice. I use it almost everyday with my Braid Spray and just wash them once a week. Now, I am going to use MTG more often because I don't smell MTG AT ALL! Not one hint that I put MTG on my scalp straight from the little sample bottle I have.

Even w/o the MTG use, my 4 week old braids are ready to be removed because of the new growth I have. I am getting them redone on the 16 of July and that will be pushing it - BIG TIME.

Anyway, just wanted to share.
Glad you found something that worked to hide the smell! I've put myself on a purchasing freeze so no more spendy for me for July. I'm using my EOs with my MTG, though it doesn't help entirely, it does tone it down some.
I am with you on the spending freeze. I actually had to create a new monthly budget just to include my hair stuff! I am buying a lb of indian hair next week for my braids so that will totally wipe that amount out. :ohwell: My Bhringraj oil is almost gone and I can't really buy anymore until the end of July or so. The EO's I have will have to kick in then -- You are right -- they do make it better, too.
At least you have a budget!! The first month is going to be the hardest, after that, I'll be fine, I hope cause I gotta shop!! :lol:
Thanks Alot Honeydew,i Came Across A 4 Oz Bottle Of This Stuff On Ebay For 5.99. I Think I Will Definatley Try This.
I think you will like it. I have been using it for a few months and it makes the new growth with my braids really shiny and soft. Masking the MTG is a benefit that has been a pleasant surprise. You found a good price for it, too!
Honeydew, where do you purchase the Vadik Bringraj oil??? It is a wonderful oil!! My mother bought it from a seller on Ebay. Her hair has become so beautiful since she started using this oil and her hair stays moisturized all day with this oil. She is getting compliments on her hair everyday since she started using the Vadik Bringraj oil. This oil has also stopped all her breakage.

I want this oil for myself since my mother has been getting such good results with it.I also love the fact that it is free of mineral oil. I would like to know if there is some other place I can purchase this oil.
I order mine online, as well. I order my stuff from http://www.bytheplanet.com/. I think they sell on Ebay, as well, but the shipping is cheaper on the site if you are buying more than one thing.

I agree, my new growth stays so pretty under my braids. I wish I could find a bigger bottle. I have only found 4 oz and 8 oz bottles.
Yes, that's what I use. The 4 oz is so small,though. They have an 8 oz. I think. I love this stuff, it makes my hair really soft and shiny.