
Active Member
I relaxed on Sat ending my 16-17 week stretch a week early at 15 weeks.. I had ants in my pants so to say.. I dont think I made SL so hopefully by December I can claim it:yep:
I am so happy with the overall health of my hair that the length really didnt matter this time around.. Can say I will feel the same way if I dont reach SL by December, lol

I dont have comparison pics because I didnt take any my last relaxer. But I went from mid neck to where I am now which is maybe an inch and a half difference.. I dont know, lol. I'll have comparisons the next time around


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Good Job on Your Stretch!:grin:

I think each time it gets better & better and makes you realize you can go longer & longer.

And it also helps you evaluate the products needed to help you be successful and be creative.:lachen:

In Alot of Ways....Stretching is a very educational process.:yep:
Looks good! Nice and healthy:grin:
That's a pretty long stretch...I'm working on being able to stretch that long!
Congrats! Tomorrow will b week 5 of my stretch so I am still in the "ez" stage.. I don't know how long imma stretch but I know I wont relax before November!! Good job on the stretch!
Nice work! I just relaxed (well, more like texlaxed) for the first time since early March. I had been using BKT to transition, but I'm out, and just couldn't take the two textures anymore. Your hair looks beautiful!
Thanks Ladies, this was actually my second stretch since joining and I could have definately done longer because it got easy after a while...but i didnt want to, lol.. I was so tired of the wigs and headbands to cover the ng, i had enough.. i just needed to relax to get back to my normal self.. Even though i will be wigging it up again by next week for the next 14 to 16 weeks... I basically gave in to the creamy crack temptations, lol

I used to relax every 6 weeks so i've come a long way thanks to you ladies..