I need some help


New Member
Ladies I am so frustrated with my hair. I've been on here for aproximately 1 year. I have followed some great advice, but it hasn't worked. My hair is in worse condition now than when I started. It's breaking and dry and I don't know what to do.

I felt that my hair was in pretty good shape before, so I guess it was my fault for not sticking to what worked. Since LHCF I drastically cut out using heat on my hair. I've done protein treatments, deep conditioners, and roller sets. The products I was mainly using in the begining was Keracare and nexus. I also switched from no-lye to lye. I think that was the major problem. I used to use precise (really cheap brand that worked great) no-lye super strength. Then I switched to Vitale lye regular strength. The regular strength lye didn't really do much for my hair, it just loosed the tight coils, but didn't straighten my hair. The remainder of my hair is basically bone straight so I don't think that the two textures worked well together.

I'd really appreciate any advice that you ladies have for me. Should I cut it and start over again?

Here are some pics
eta: I fixed the Jan 05 link
Jan 05

May 05 after cut

Jan 06
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I don't exactly know what to tell you. It does look a little dry, but you might have the answer to your problem-the relaxer switching might have done it. Other than that I don't know what else it could be, Why don't you list the products you use?
Do you think you might be using too much protein? How often are you using protein? I would switch back to the no-lye relaxer since you said that was working for you and just deep condition. Are you taking any vitamins?
When I have products that work for me already, I stick with it. I haven't replaced any product that worked well for me before I came to LHCF, just added to it. I only add new products if it's something that works for me to improve the health and appearance of my hair and help me simplify my regimen.

We can always change our minds at anytime and go back to what we know works.

The January, 2005 pic doesn't show up but I see a huge length difference between May 2005 and January 2006. Your hair looks very pretty and healthy to me and is growing longer. No, I don't feel you should cut and start over at all.
One of the major things I have learned since being on here is that not everything works for everyone and that you have to really find what works for you. So go back to the relaxer and products that worked for you. As far as your ends go, continue to baby them by protecting them and keeping them moisturized. You can also gradually trim them a little each time you relax or more often if you feel it is necessary. But to me your hair does not look so terrible that you need to cut it all off and start over again.
Also have you thought about braids or something that would give you a rest from your hair until you can get motivated about it again. Braids usually give me a great deal of growth and thickness--plus by the time I take them out, I am usually not frustrated anymore.
To me it looks like you've some breakage on the ends. Depending on how you like for them to look, I'd trim those off for a fresh start, BUT I would do it myself. You don't need a "chop"...if you decided to part with the thinner ends, you'd need a trim, but not inches and inches of hair.

What is your current regimen? It would probably be easier for us to point out potential culprits if we know how often you're washing, what products you're using, how often you do protein etc.

I agree w/ the other ladies about not everything working for everybody. You have to do what works for you, regardless of what everyone is raving about. Give us more info so we can help you...2006 is gonna be your good hair year if we can help it! :lol:

Hang in there girl!
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Thanks for your replys ladies. I ended up cutting my hair soon after I posted the thread. One thing I hate is long stringy hair. I cut it up to my neck.

I understand that not everything works on everyone. I'm not a PJ, but when I moved to NC I needed some less expensive products that I could purchase here. The products that I was using in Jan 05-May 05 were mainly kera care 1st lather shampoo, humecto, and the moisturizer with jojoba. Every 6 weeks I would use nexxus emergency as a protein treatment. I was living in nyc and it was easier to get the products there. Where I am now there is only 1 bss store that sells only 2 or 3 keracare products.

Since I've moved I've used Motions conditioning shampoo, didn't like it much.
I found some nexxus humectress at the walmart salon and bought that thinking it was as good as keracare, I was so wrong. I like it but it doesn't give the same result. I just recently bought some con shampoo and lekair cholesterol. I also went back to pink oil moisturizer. That's about all I use in my hair I don't like too many products.

Great minds think alike. I tried to give my hair a break with braids because of all the breakage. I went about 2 months. I took them out about 2 weeks ago, I was still frustrated.

Too much protein is not a problem for me because I don't use it often.
LizLeila said:
One of the major things I have learned since being on here is that not everything works for everyone and that you have to really find what works for you. So go back to the relaxer and products that worked for you. As far as your ends go, continue to baby them by protecting them and keeping them moisturized. You can also gradually trim them a little each time you relax or more often if you feel it is necessary. But to me your hair does not look so terrible that you need to cut it all off and start over again.

I agree, do what works for you. Product usage is subjective, and so are techiniques...
Hmmm...does you hair like Pink oil moisturizer??? I have yet to run into a healthy relaxed head who uses it...I'm not sayin it doesn't work for some, I'm just asking b/c that may be part of the problem.

Also, you may want to consider purchasing the products that work for you online. I know it may be more expensive and inconvenient, but you have to decide whether you'd rather pay a few extra dollars or suffer through never gaining length and seeing breakage/damage.

Another thing I noticed is that you're using products of varied brands. For some folks this works, but for MY hair, it does not work at all. My hair likes products from the same line/family, and when I start doing too much mixing and matching, my hair acts up. So that's something else to consider. If you're looking for a cheaper brand that you could get your hands on, you may want to try something like NTM or MNT. Those lines are accessible and from what I've seen, ladies who use them have phenomenal results (i.e. Sylver 2).

Maybe you should step the heavy protein down and do light protein more consistently. I went through a period where my hair was acting out, and I tried doing monster protein every 6 weeks only to experience dryness and more breakage. I've found that my hair likes light protein every other week or so as opposed to mega protein every 6-8 weeks. Just a thought.


Divine Inspiration said:
Hmmm...does you hair like Pink oil moisturizer??? I have yet to run into a healthy relaxed head who uses it...I'm not sayin it doesn't work for some, I'm just asking b/c that may be part of the problem.

Also, you may want to consider purchasing the products that work for you online. I know it may be more expensive and inconvenient, but you have to decide whether you'd rather pay a few extra dollars or suffer through never gaining length and seeing breakage/damage.

Another thing I noticed is that you're using products of varied brands. For some folks this works, but for MY hair, it does not work at all. My hair likes products from the same line/family, and when I start doing too much mixing and matching, my hair acts up. So that's something else to consider. If you're looking for a cheaper brand that you could get your hands on, you may want to try something like NTM or MNT. Those lines are accessible and from what I've seen, ladies who use them have phenomenal results (i.e. Sylver 2).

Maybe you should step the heavy protein down and do light protein more consistently. I went through a period where my hair was acting out, and I tried doing monster protein every 6 weeks only to experience dryness and more breakage. I've found that my hair likes light protein every other week or so as opposed to mega protein every 6-8 weeks. Just a thought.



Thanks for the great advice. I think I'm going to do what you suggested and go back to what wotked for me and use the whole keracare line. I don't like buying products online, because I hate paying for shipping. I guess I'll have to suck it up and order the products online.