I made it just in time! *Newbie Post*


New Member
Hello Ladies!

I'll make this semi-short & pretty sweet.:grin:

I've been lurking on this board off an on for months. Lately, I've been more on than off, and that's b/c my hair is pretty bad off these days. I finally joined LHCF because there are only so many threads I can read w/out asking any questions, and I need help!! *my name says it all* :lol:

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to hair. I don't know my hair type, and have yet to figure out what products work for ME. Lurking on LHCF has helped me a lot in the last couple of weeks, so I look forward to learning more and more and having hair as pretty as the hair I've seen on this board.
Girl, WELCOME.....

I was a long time lurker myself :lol: I have learned so much from this board and everyone here is helpful. See you in PJ's annonymous :lol:
How did I miss these responses?! :eek:

Thank you ladies, I appreciate it, and I will be posting many many questions in the weeks to come. At the risk of sounding all sappy and mushy, I do admire every last strand of hair I've seen on this board so far, and look forward to having the bouncing and behaving strands I've seen so far.

Thankies :D