I Luv Ampro Curl Wax


As a recent BCer, I really needed something to slick down my 4ab hair into my phony pony bun. Nothing worked!!!!! I tried Fantansia Sparkelites (which was my favorite when permed), but it just caused my hair to curl up even more!!! I also tried Fantasia Thick n Shine (great, but can leave residue), Ampro Clear Ice (flakes up), and many others.

Then I read in past post that someone used Ampro Curl Wax on their new growth when stretching.

Well, let me tell you, that stuff is the best!!!!! :grin: It lays my hair down so well, sometimes I forget that I don't have a perm anymore. It doesnt flake AT ALL, and it leaves my hair really soft.

Here's a pic:
Poca1229 said:
As a recent BCer, I really needed something to slick down my 4ab hair into my phony pony bun. Nothing worked!!!!! I tried Fantansia Sparkelites (which was my favorite when permed), but it just caused my hair to curl up even more!!! I also tried Fantasia Thick n Shine (great, but can leave residue), Ampro Clear Ice (flakes up), and many others.

Then I read in past post that someone used Ampro Curl Wax on their new growth when stretching.

Well, let me tell you, that stuff is the best!!!!! :grin: It lays my hair down so well, sometimes I forget that I don't have a perm anymore. It doesnt flake AT ALL, and it leaves my hair really soft.

Here's a pic:

I use to use this when I was a teenager to curl my hair and I start using it again when my hair reaches BS on the last 2 inches of my hair because that it when I'm going to start wearing my hair down, atleast 2 days out of the week:)
Girl I love curl wax too, I thought I was the only one. I have been using that stuff for years, it's great for laying down my kinks. I also use it on my 2strand twists to keep the frizzies down. And it's super cheap!!!!
Poca1229 said:
As a recent BCer, I really needed something to slick down my 4ab hair into my phony pony bun. Nothing worked!!!!! I tried Fantansia Sparkelites (which was my favorite when permed), but it just caused my hair to curl up even more!!! I also tried Fantasia Thick n Shine (great, but can leave residue), Ampro Clear Ice (flakes up), and many others.

Then I read in past post that someone used Ampro Curl Wax on their new growth when stretching.

Well, let me tell you, that stuff is the best!!!!! :grin: It lays my hair down so well, sometimes I forget that I don't have a perm anymore. It doesnt flake AT ALL, and it leaves my hair really soft.

Here's a pic:
Does it take a lot to shampoo out of your hair...sounds like a petrolium product....I just had a BC and my feathers are poppin out from my ponys too :eek:

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It is a petroleum product (if I remember correctly; the jar's at home), but it doesn't take a lot of shampoo to wash it out. I use a moderate amount of CON shampoo, wash, rinse, repeat and I'm good to go.
I remember Lisa Raye somewhere saying she used dax wax to slick back her natural hair and it always looks straight, I didn't even know she was natural.
I love this product also. I used to use it as my stretching tool. I could slick this on and my 10 month post hair at the time would lay down flat with no problem. I also used to use this when I would flat iron, I know it probably wasnt the best but my hair stayed straight for two weeks and there wasn't a single wave in sight the whole time. I still have a huge jar at home. I use it sometimes now th lay down those edges that the fantasia ic gel doesnt get.