I Don't Think I'll Ever Get It


Well-Known Member
Update *I Don't Think I'll Ever Get It*

I've tried and tried, and I don't ever think that I will get straight and sleek hair when I flat iron it myself. My hair always ends up fluffy, poofy whatever you want to call it. It takes days and lots of products later for it to flatten down a little. Even though I flat iron the new growth it still is dry and crunchy no matter what products i add. I don't know what it is. Is it the products that I am using? Is it the flat iron? Is the flat iron not on a high enough heat setting?

Here is my routine on wash day:
  • Shampoo w/ Biolage Ultra Hydrating
  • Condition using Biolage Ultra Hydrating
  • Deep Condition w/ ORS Olive Oil Pak (I don't have a hard hat dryer yet, so I just leave the conditioner on with a foil cap for 1 hr. I have a heat cap, but I am lazy to use that now)
  • Spray on leave in conditioner (Biolage)
  • Blow Dry (maybe i shouldn't do this anymore)
  • Flat Iron (sometimes i do this the next day if I have something to do that Saturday, could this be the problem?) Heat Protection products: Redken Heat Glide, Chi Silk
The flat iron that I use:

Solia 1 inch. I just bought this iron, it works good but I don't know if the flat iron is the problem. Maybe I am not putting this on a high enough heat for my 4a/b hair relaxed (need a touch up) hair. The setting was at around 370 when I flat ironed this weekend, and the Chi Turbo that I used before only reached the 300's and my hair was dry after also. The Solia did do better than the Chi imo.

Here's my update:

I washed my hair with shampoo (Keracare Detangling) and I deep conditioned with ORS Olive Oil Pak. I airdried my hair instead of blowdrying it. I found that this was much better. My hair was easier to handle and it felt softer than if I did a blow dry. To air dry I sprayed in my Biolage Leave-In Tonic and I also added some Chi Silk Infusion and I detagled my hair and put it into 1, and later 2 side plats.

Since I washed my hair kinda late because I was busy, the next day I flat ironed it with a Solia. I used Fantasia IC and Chi Silk Infusion as my heat protectant.

Now everything was going great. My hair was looking nice and shiny while I was flat ironing it. After I was finished, I put some more Chi Silk Infusion in it. I know that I am long overdue for a touch up and my new growth is kicking, crunchy if I comb it. My question is why was my hair kinda dry afterwards no matter what I put in it? I was able to flat iron as close to my roots as possible.

Maybe I need to change to a different flat iron, although the Solia seemed to work fine while I was doing my hair. I don't know what to do. I do know that airdrying is a big plus for me.
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yeah. def stop with the blowdrying, or if u must blowdry do so on the lowest temp when ur hair is about 85% dry. blowdrying causes sooooo many unecessary problems. i havent done it in a year. airdrying is where it's at. also i just prepooed overnight for my first time with coconut oil, deep conditioned with ors pak and coconut oil, then conditioned and rinsed with suave humectant and coconut oil. i applied Aveda Elixir as a leave in and my hair is the most moisturized and sleekest its ever been after a home wash!! also i purchased fantasia ic heat protectant which many women on this board swear by to get the exact look your looking for. dont know if that helped in anyway, but just some things you can ponder on...
It may be the blow dryer for real. I just always thought that my hair would turn out more dry if I let it air dry. I saw a lot of breakage too this weekend :nono:. My hair was so dry no matter what I put in it.
everyone's hair is so different , I was going to recommend blowdrying on lower temp but flat ironing shortly after. My hair will not look good if it is air dried and then flat ironed ..I need to have my hair blow dried right after wash then flat ed..one right after the other , while the cuticles and laying down, then I will have the best results.
What kid of flat iron are you using?
Do you get silky smooth results when you get it professionally pressed?

If you continue to blow dry, I suggest skipping the leave-in and Applying the Chi Silk when you blow dry.

Then apply the chi silk again as you flat iron it,
I usually pour some chi into the lid of one of my jars so that I can dip my finger in it and apply it to each parted section as i flat iron it.
everyone's hair is so different , I was going to recommend blowdrying on lower temp but flat ironing shortly after. My hair will not look good if it is air dried and then flat ironed ..I need to have my hair blow dried right after wash then flat ed..one right after the other , while the cuticles and laying down, then I will have the best results.

I feel the same way. I don't think my hair would look good if it is air dried, but I guess it's worth a try. I may do it this weekend and see what happens. I have an appointment to get my retouch next weekend, so if it doesn't come out good this weekend, i'll throw it into a pony for the week until then. :ohwell:
What kid of flat iron are you using?
Do you get silky smooth results when you get it professionally pressed?

If you continue to blow dry, I suggest skipping the leave-in and Applying the Chi Silk when you blow dry.

Then apply the chi silk again as you flat iron it,
I usually pour some chi into the lid of one of my jars so that I can dip my finger in it and apply it to each parted section as i flat iron it.

I am currently using a Solia flat iron, thinking about switching to Sedu unless I find another method and it works. What you suggested sounds like a good idea. I think I'll need a little product during each swipe of the iron. For some reason I don't think the Chi or whatever product that I use gets inside my hair.
I've tried and tried, and I don't ever think that I will get straight and sleek hair when I flat iron it myself. My hair always ends up fluffy, poofy whatever you want to call it. It takes days and lots of products later for it to flatten down a little. Even though I flat iron the new growth it still is dry and crunchy no matter what products i add. I don't know what it is. Is it the products that I am using? Is it the flat iron? Is the flat iron not on a high enough heat setting?
I have the same exact problem. When I flat iron my hair at home, it never looks as good as when I get it done at the salon. My flat ironed hair looks like my hair was blow dried straight if that makes any sense. It's very thick, poofy, and dry. I use an Andis flat iron. It's the same one my old hair dresser used to use on me and she could get my hair straight with it. Do you think the problem lies within the technique? I try to flat iron only a tiny section of hair at a time though.
I would suggest maybe trying after air drying.

I have a similar problem. When I blow dry my hair gets huge and fluffy. I've tried blow drying blowout style with a brush and my dryer but FLOOF.

My bantu set last weekend sort of worked for that but my hair was still really fluffy. Even after flat ironing it's fluffy.

I think I personally am going to let go of wanting straight and sleek. :ohwell:
Someone suggested applying the chi silk to wet hair and allow to air dry, then flat iron. This gave me that salon bounce and shine.
I always airdry/flat iron and get great results. For me I like to actually dry my hair straight under a hooded dryer on a low heat. So I essentially just detangle it straight down, and then sit under my dryer. I gently separate the hair with my fingers as it dries by lightly tossling it. Those steps ALWAYS leaves me with non-crunchy hair, only soft hair, and it does get a little "big" but not poofy big, just played with big, maybe full is the right word (I have a pic of it in my fotki in the Feb or Jan section). Then I proceed to flat iron. Before I go under the dryer I apply my leave ins, and then when I'm done Chi Silk infusion. I only use my iron on 287 degrees (so the next to lowest heat setting) and I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS flat iron in SMALL parted sections. The results are always swinging hair. I try to use as little product as possible, I feel it helps me get the best results.
I think that I may try air drying and see what happens. I do love the Chi serum, so I will continue to use this. Thanks for the advice so far ladies.
That's strange that your hair is still poofy from flat ironing given that you have relaxed hair.

Try a Chi iron... it gets my natural hair straight.
That's strange that your hair is still poofy from flat ironing given that you have relaxed hair.

Try a Chi iron... it gets my natural hair straight.

Yeah it is strange. My hair can be very unruly. While I am flat ironing my hair it seems like it will end up nice and straight while I am doing it, but things change once I am done. When my hair is natural, it is the worst to handle, very hard to comb. When I do comb, it tangles up again no matter what I use.

I currently have a Chi as well as a Solia. I had poofy hair too after I finished using th Chi. :wallbash:
What works for me is rollersetting with a serum and using my maxiglide to flat iron the roots only. I'm 4b textlaxed and this works very well for me, the rollerset straightens the rest of the hair for you....
blowdrying was murder for my hair. MURDER! I don't even own one anymore. So that might be the issue?

I've only blown dry maybe once in the last year or so, and that was just for a trim.

I learned how to rollerset. It took me over a year (also) to get it down. Not easy at first but definitely worth it!
So I've gathered some helpful information from this thread. I will try not to blow dry, but air dry insead to see how that works. I may try to rollerset, but I didn't have much luck with doing that back in the day. :grin: I got lazy and didn't put them in the right way.
Update on page 1.

Have you clarified lately? It sounds like you're using a lot of product, and it can build up from week to week. I would suggest clarifying before your next DC.

Also, I would definitely suggest staying with the airdrying. My hair looks, feels, and behaves better when I airdry it then flat iron it versus using a blowdryer.

Are you flatironing in small sections? I've noticed that the smaller my sections are, the better the results. It's sleeker and has more movement.
Have you clarified lately? It sounds like you're using a lot of product, and it can build up from week to week. I would suggest clarifying before your next DC.

Also, I would definitely suggest staying with the airdrying. My hair looks, feels, and behaves better when I airdry it then flat iron it versus using a blowdryer.

Are you flatironing in small sections? I've noticed that the smaller my sections are, the better the results. It's sleeker and has more movement.

Thanks for the advice. I have never clarified before. Maybe I can try that and see what happens. I flat ironed in smaller sections than usual yesterday, but maybe the sections could've been smaller. I did reach the roots thank goodness, but they still were dry and a little crunchy.:wallbash: My hair did look like it could've been sleek before I was finished, but then that changed when the air hit it.
I didn't have a chance to read every single reply so this may have been said already. The CHI silk infusion will not absorb into the hair strand...it will just sit on the hair and block any moisture from getting in. Like a sealer. If you want to have more moisture, try using a moisturizing lotion (like B&B products at CVS with no mineral oil) or some other moisturizing cream before drying. I think if you use the blow dryer on lower heat and are very careful you should see better results. :yep: For flat ironed hair I almost always have to blow dry before straightening...otherwise my hair doesn't come out well at all.

I would stay away from the CHI product if it's just sitting on your hair like it does for my own. I only use it right before I texlax to make sure that none of the chemical gets on already processed hair. It works great for that! :drunk:
Thanks for the advice. I have never clarified before. Maybe I can try that and see what happens. I flat ironed in smaller sections than usual yesterday, but maybe the sections could've been smaller. I did reach the roots thank goodness, but they still were dry and a little crunchy.:wallbash: My hair did look like it could've been sleek before I was finished, but then that changed when the air hit it.

I think you have to tend to the bold first before getting the sleek look. IME, it's impossible to get sleek hair on hair that needs moisture.

Those ORS packs have quite a bit of protein in them...could you have protein overload?
I think you have to tend to the bold first before getting the sleek look. IME, it's impossible to get sleek hair on hair that needs moisture.

Those ORS packs have quite a bit of protein in them...could you have protein overload?

I did hear that they have some moisture and some protein in them. My hair doesn't like protein. I just thought that having the balance of moisture and protein would help me not hurt me. I will see about getting a moisturizing deep conditioner. Maybe some Keracare Humectant or something else.
Try everything again WITHOUT the chi silk infusion. Maybe its only me it prevents moisture from getting in my hair and i got the same results as you did so i stopped using it.
Try everything again WITHOUT the chi silk infusion. Maybe its only me it prevents moisture from getting in my hair and i got the same results as you did so i stopped using it.

That sounds like a plan. By the way, how are the Kiehls products working for you? I heard about Kiehls before and wanted to try the products but I'm not sure.