I Don't Think I Ever Shared This Testimony - My Miracle!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, not sure if I ever shared this testimony on here or not but wanted to make sure. I posted this in the Pregnanct Thread but wanted to post it here for my Sisters In Christ as well:

I had been unable to conceive for 4 years and was starting to think I would never conceive again. So one night, on the toilet, I began to weep before the Lord (I know, not a very "Holy" place to meet with the Lord and certainly doesn't fit into most people's "religious" box lol, however read on lol). Up to that point I had joked around about not wanting any more kids, but inside it was tearing me apart that month after month my period came - late, but came the same. So finally I broke down and was completely honest with the Lord. I prayed "Lord, I beg you, please open my womb and give me a son." A short time after that, I was reading my Bible, I was in the book of Numbers when I came accross Number 13:30. As I read that verse the Lord spoke into my Spirit, "you shall have a son, and you shall call him Caleb." Well, I got down on my knees and prayed to the Lord, and promised Him if I had a son, I would call him Caleb. I told my hubby about it, and he just kinda looked at me funny (he thinks my Prohpetic gifting is wierd, and since he grew up Southern Baptist, it certainly doesn't fit his religious box:lol:) and thought nothing of it.

So anyway, 2 months later TADA! I'm pregnant right. Well my 13th week I find out that I "may" be having a boy from the Perinatologist. So anyway, why i done forgot the Word of the Lord:rolleyes: I fell in love with the name Aaron (mainly cuz Aaron cracks me up in Exodus when he told the people to bring him all the gold etc., and hand crafted the golden calf, then when Moses find outs and confronts him he said the people put their gold in the fire and badabing, out jumps the calf:lachen:) and had been calling him Aaron. Well hubby does not like the name:perplexed So we visit my inlaws right, and we're talking about names and what does my MIL say "I've always liked the name Caleb, I was going to name Joshua that actually." So BOOM, the Word of the Lord comes back to my rememberance and you'd THINK I'd concede right? Nope! Of course I tried to "rationalize" with God seeing as I was now attached to the name Aaron. So I told the Lord "But God, Caleb is such a white name! (Yes, that's the best I could come up with:lachen:) Then what does God do? In church the VERY NEXT Sunday, I see a cute CHOCOLATE boy, and what is the name on his name tag? Caleb:perplexed. So NOW surely I conceded right? Nope!:lachen:I then tried to bargain with God lol. I said, well what if I just name the next one Caleb? Besides, Caleb is too close to Kayla and they won't know who I'm yelling at!:lachen:I could just FEEL God do this:rolleyes: So then He spoke into my Spirit, "I kept my promise, will you keep yours?" Here He had confirmed 3 times (in the prayer, in my MIL, and the boy at church) this name ad I wanna argue with the Lord God Almighty:blush: So now grudingly I have accepted the name Caleb.:lol:
Thanks girl! Why the Lord had me feeling like that ole' cup bearer (the one who forgot about Joseph) when my MIL said "Caleb":lachen:Now I know how he felt! I was like "whoops!":blush::lachen:
Your are to funny.:grin:

I know what you mean about the name Aaron, I like it as well that's my boy's name.

I like the name Caleb too.

Thanks for sharing your testimony. I'm praying that you have a effortless pregnancy with a healthy and strong baby boy.

Blessings to you and yours.
Hey ladies, not sure if I ever shared this testimony on here or not but wanted to make sure. I posted this in the Pregnanct Thread but wanted to post it here for my Sisters In Christ as well:

I had been unable to conceive for 4 years and was starting to think I would never conceive again. So one night, on the toilet, I began to weep before the Lord (I know, not a very "Holy" place to meet with the Lord and certainly doesn't fit into most people's "religious" box lol, however read on lol). Up to that point I had joked around about not wanting any more kids, but inside it was tearing me apart that month after month my period came - late, but came the same. So finally I broke down and was completely honest with the Lord. I prayed "Lord, I beg you, please open my womb and give me a son." A short time after that, I was reading my Bible, I was in the book of Numbers when I came accross Number 13:30. As I read that verse the Lord spoke into my Spirit, "you shall have a son, and you shall call him Caleb." Well, I got down on my knees and prayed to the Lord, and promised Him if I had a son, I would call him Caleb. I told my hubby about it, and he just kinda looked at me funny (he thinks my Prohpetic gifting is wierd, and since he grew up Southern Baptist, it certainly doesn't fit his religious box:lol:) and thought nothing of it.

So anyway, 2 months later TADA! I'm pregnant right. Well my 13th week I find out that I "may" be having a boy from the Perinatologist. So anyway, why i done forgot the Word of the Lord:rolleyes: I fell in love with the name Aaron (mainly cuz Aaron cracks me up in Exodus when he told the people to bring him all the gold etc., and hand crafted the golden calf, then when Moses find outs and confronts him he said the people put their gold in the fire and badabing, out jumps the calf:lachen:) and had been calling him Aaron. Well hubby does not like the name:perplexed So we visit my inlaws right, and we're talking about names and what does my MIL say "I've always liked the name Caleb, I was going to name Joshua that actually." So BOOM, the Word of the Lord comes back to my rememberance and you'd THINK I'd concede right? Nope! Of course I tried to "rationalize" with God seeing as I was now attached to the name Aaron. So I told the Lord "But God, Caleb is such a white name! (Yes, that's the best I could come up with:lachen:) Then what does God do? In church the VERY NEXT Sunday, I see a cute CHOCOLATE boy, and what is the name on his name tag? Caleb:perplexed. So NOW surely I conceded right? Nope!:lachen:I then tried to bargain with God lol. I said, well what if I just name the next one Caleb? Besides, Caleb is too close to Kayla and they won't know who I'm yelling at!:lachen:I could just FEEL God do this:rolleyes: So then He spoke into my Spirit, "I kept my promise, will you keep yours?" Here He had confirmed 3 times (in the prayer, in my MIL, and the boy at church) this name ad I wanna argue with the Lord God Almighty:blush: So now grudingly I have accepted the name Caleb.:lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:this is soooooo you my friend!!!!

:wallbash: hard headed as can be.

I like the name Caleb. :grin:
What a great testimony! I didn't know whether to cry or laugh... I'm just glad you heard God speaking to you...so many of us miss that; and as a result, miss our blessing. Congratulations!
I love this story. Just goes to show God knows when you are really ready and what is really in your heart.

I love the name Caleb too. It was my grandfather's name (He was a Pastor) and I've toyed with the idea of naming my son Caleb (if I have children :lachen:)
Small request for such a huge miracle, I humbly yet boldly say!

Congrats on this miracle that has been manifested in your life! May you continue to have a peaceful and problem-free pregnancy and quick delivery!
What a great testimony! I didn't know whether to cry or laugh... I'm just glad you heard God speaking to you...so many of us miss that; and as a result, miss our blessing. Congratulations!

Awesome testimony it reminds me of GOD faithfullness I soo need it right now:cry:....thanks:hug2:
Hey Kbragg!!:wave:

Just had to tell you that I loved your testimony. God is soooooo good and so funny. Congrats on the baby, he'll be a beauty!
Loved your testimony of God's faithfulness!

And I'm so glad that you decided to obey God and name him Caleb!