I did it!


Well-Known Member
My hair was nearly bra strap length and to the rest of the world looked gorgeous, but I had to do it.... I finally got the big chop!

It's not my first time getting a bc... b4 finding this site I had about 2 or 3 . The one b4 this was the most drastic (not in length but in style). Anyway, I swore that would be the last time, but after trusting dominicans to trim my hair perfectly while the 2 layers were growing out, I had to do another.

My hair wasn't bad at all, but I guess I'm VERY picky and a slight perfectionist so if one strand is out of place, I cut everything to achieve perfect hair. Anyway, I love my new hair cut-- this time no layers, but a blunt chin length cut with bangs! I never had bangs b4, but I look very oriental (as my new stylist put it) and I love it!!! Everyone who was SO against me cutting my hair (including my stylist) loved the new do! I'm so glad I did it!

What made it even better is that I finally found a stylist who thinks like me and understands me. I found an LCHF-type stylist!!! Every hair tip she was giving me was straight from here!!!
Thanks! I took pic of my hair b4 the chop on my camera phone, but i'm still waiting for my digital camera for my b-day. I will try to upload the b4 pics.
mystiqu529 said:
My hair was nearly bra strap length and to the rest of the world looked gorgeous, but I had to do it.... I finally got the big chop!

It's not my first time getting a bc... b4 finding this site I had about 2 or 3 . The one b4 this was the most drastic (not in length but in style). Anyway, I swore that would be the last time, but after trusting dominicans to trim my hair perfectly while the 2 layers were growing out, I had to do another.

My hair wasn't bad at all, but I guess I'm VERY picky and a slight perfectionist so if one strand is out of place, I cut everything to achieve perfect hair. Anyway, I love my new hair cut-- this time no layers, but a blunt chin length cut with bangs! I never had bangs b4, but I look very oriental (as my new stylist put it) and I love it!!! Everyone who was SO against me cutting my hair (including my stylist) loved the new do! I'm so glad I did it!

What made it even better is that I finally found a stylist who thinks like me and understands me. I found an LCHF-type stylist!!! Every hair tip she was giving me was straight from here!!!
You sound like my hair twin, from the multiple big chops, to the nit-picketyness over the hair. I swore, after one of my BCs that it would be the last, because my layers were all gone...so WHY did I go and get a pixie :ohwell:

Congrats on the cut and finding a suitable stylist. Is she dominican? Which salon do you go to?
Thanks again. Actually, she wasn't dominican, she was african-american. It's funny b/c I was weary of going to black stylists after going to the dominicans. This is b/c my hair's health and length grew after leaving the black salons. But after having the dominican stylists consistently misunderstand me when asking for trims and how I wanted things to be done since I was growing my layers out, I knew I had to find someone who spoke english very well. I tried to find "high-end" dominican salons, but to no luck. So I decided to go to a black stylist for my hair cut. I chose to go to the salon that my high school friend always went to and her hair was always gorgeous.

The salon is in Long Island and is called Attitudes Hair Sudio (I think) in Uniondale. They are pricey, but I swear it is worth it. She consulted with me about what I wanted done to my hair and why. She was very patient and did an excellent job. I told her of my dry hair problems and she told me exactly what shampoo and stuff to use. Everything that I had learned from this forum, she was saying to the "t."

She also let me know that they have a salon in the city so since I go to school there I might try that one too.
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