I Did It! I Did It! (Rollersetting) Pic Included!


It's really soft and my ends aren't frizzy either!

I DC'd with ORS Replenishing mixed Humectress for 20 minutes w/heat. Rinsed and used Sunsilk Straighten-up 24/7 creme on my edges. Sunsilk Hydra 24/7 creme all over and Sunsilk De-Frizz 24/7 creme on my ends. Then sprayed in Aphogee Pro-Vitamin leave in and Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea. I also had a spray bottle filled with purified water and a tiny bit of Humectress to use when an area dried out before I could get it rolled up.

It took about 50 minutes to dry. I can't believe I finally managed to do this. The back didn't come out exactly the way I wanted it too, but, it is no big deal. I'll still be wearing my wig or phony ponie. Now I can cut down or even eliminate blow-drying all together. I'm six weeks post relaxer, so I'm sure it will look better after I get a touch up.

Yep... did a good job too!!! I love to hear rollersetting success stories. Keep it up and your hair will love you for it.
Looks good. I'm still trying to master the rollerset myself. Does anyone know if using the rollers with the snap-on covers damage the hair? I'm using the two-prong clips right now, but I think I can do the rollerset faster with the rollers with the snap-on covers.
Thanks Luving me:

I tried using magnetic rollers, with the silver clips last week, what a fiasco, at the end of 60 minutes I had two rollers in my head and they were both loose. :whyme: I pulled them out and reached for the blow-dryer.

My Sister told me she used the magnetic snap-ons with the pins used for mesh rollers. I didn't want to use snap-ons at first, because I don't like the marks they leave in your hair. I'll be wearing phony ponies and wigs where you have to leave some of your own hair out, so I still didn't want the marks in front, but, they won't show in the back.

I used the long plastic pins that have a metal core. It took a bit for me to get the holes positioned just right to get the right tension for the roller to stay tight, and to get the pin thru the limited hole choices. But by the time I did the 4th or 5th roller, the pins were sliding right thru. It was still easier to use the covers on the back and sides.

I don't think the covers damaged my hair. I still used a heat-protectant, under a dryer set to warm. I didn't have and shedding or breakage when I combed it out.
Wow congrats it looks great. I did a wet roller set last night it looks good but it didnt turn out half as good as yours.:)
Thank you for all the support! I went to the store to get more orange rollers. Second rollerset of this era is coming up Thurdsay. :grin:
Your hair looks great! I've been wanting to rollerset my hair but never did because I thought it would not turn out right...but looking at your hair has inspired me...thanks for sharing!! :)
Thanks Ladies!

Mzcris, if it hadn't been for this fourm and all you ladies, I never would have attempted this again.

My sister called me when she got the pictures and laughed. (She is happy for me but amused.) She mastered wet setting at 14 years old. We lived in the same house with the same parents, I'm four years older than she is.

I've always had to dry my hair and then roll it, to keep it from looking like a hot mess. Wet setting has been the #1 reason, that I have been an "every two weeks" vistor to a salon. I've been trying to get this right ever since I was 15 years old.

Whatever you do, don't give up!
Thanks Daisimae...I'm going to rollerset my hair this Saturday! I am excited...to give my hair a break from the flat iron. :)

I feel the same way you do...this forum has taught me and people like you have inspired me so much!