I can't believe she said that!!!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
At church, I was telling this one lady how I was growing out my relaxer to go natural because she had noticed how my hair was getting thicker. And this other lady who is probably in her late 20's says "What 'cha gonna' do after that? Where an afro all the time?" And laughed. I just said "No, you can wear your hair several ways when it's natural."
I just thought to myself that it's kinda sad the things some black people do not know about what you can do with natural hair. I've never thought about going natural in my entire life and I'm glad that I've learned so much information about it from this forum.
Has anyone else here came across people who seem like relaxers are the ONLY way to go in taking care of black hair???
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She made it seem as if there's something WRONG with wearing an afro :huh:

I don't ever hear white people saying, "So what you gonna do? Just wear your hair straight all of the time?"

Pooh, sometimes it does not pay to share your goals with people. There's always a critic. Just keep doing what you need to do for YOU and nevermind negative people.
Don't pay attention to her. Her ignorance showed in that comment.

What's wrong with wearing a 'fro all the time??

And... if you were talking to someone else, why is commenting on your conversation?? :perplexed:
webby said:
She made it seem as if there's something WRONG with wearing an afro :huh:

I don't ever hear white people saying, "So what you gonna do? Just wear your hair straight all of the time?"

Pooh, sometimes it does not pay to share your goals with people. There's always a critic. Just keep doing what you need to do for YOU and nevermind negative people.

I agree. Just let your hair and its progress speak for itself.
Poohbear said:
Has anyone else here came across people who seem like relaxers are the ONLY way to go in taking care of black hair???

Yes, but I continue doing my thing.
i heard allllllll of those type of comments when I was transitioning. My mom thought i was going natural just to grow my hair out so after I grew it well past my shoulders she said "ok you can get a relaxer now. it's long enough." lol i just smiled.
asubeauty said:
Don't pay attention to her. Her ignorance showed in that comment.

What's wrong with wearing a 'fro all the time??

And... if you were talking to someone else, why is commenting on your conversation?? :perplexed:

Yeah, I see nothing wrong with wearing an afro either.

Btw, she rude and immature anyway so interrupting others convo is probably a norm for her!
When my bf told his mother that I was planning to go natural, she said to me, "Now you know you can only where your hair short with natural hair, right?" I laughed and said, that's not true then I showed her ALL and I do mean all of the natural ladies' fotki accounts that show their super long natural hair. I made sure to show her the pictures of those that have hair similar to my hair's texture to avoid the "good hair" speech.
Chinagem said:
When my bf told his mother that I was planning to go natural, she said to me, "Now you know you can only where your hair short with natural hair, right?" I laughed and said, that's not true then I showed her ALL and I do mean all of the natural ladies' fotki accounts that show their super long natural hair. I made sure to show her the pictures of those that have hair similar to my hair's texture to avoid the "good hair" speech.

yeah, it kills me how people talk about how they have good hair because it's a certain texture. I think ALL hair textures are good hair. If your hair is healthy and in good condition, it's "good hair" or what some call a good "grade" of hair!
And you know what? The funny thing about this lady is that she's relaxed with hair that has stayed above her ears. She keeps a shaved back but doesn't keep the rest of the hair on top looking nice. It always looks dry. I'd rather have an afro than her hairstyle.
Yep! I know personally a coulpe of women that think this way. Deep down inside they probably want to grow their relaxer out...but for some reason they're afraid. I guess it's because so many women got their first relaxer at such a young age that they don't even know what their natural hair it capable of.

These women fail to member that we didn't always have chemical hair relaxers.
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Poohbear, I have been looking at your photo album and your hair is looking very nice, it has grown so quickly, it is getting very quick and it has grown quite long, in a relatively short space of time. The other lady probably needs a lot of help and prayers. What you are doing to your hair, is fine. Keep up the good work.
Valerie said:
Poohbear, I have been looking at your photo album and your hair is looking very nice, it has grown so quickly, it is getting very quick and it has grown quite long, in a relatively short space of time. The other lady probably needs a lot of help and prayers. What you are doing to your hair, is fine. Keep up the good work.

Thanks. Once my Maxiglide comes in the mail, I'm not gonna blowdry anymore. So my regime will change again! Heehee! :grin:
I agree with Webby sometimes it's best to keep your goals to yourself. That's what I do because people can be very ignorant at times. I also agree your hair is coming along nicely and has grown a lot. I know your hair with be healthy and continue to grow wheter it's relaxed or natural.
chocolate01 said:
I agree with Webby sometimes it's best to keep your goals to yourself. That's what I do because people can be very ignorant at times. I also agree your hair is coming along nicely and has grown a lot. I know your hair with be healthy and continue to grow wheter it's relaxed or natural.

well, her comment didn't bother me. Negative comments never bring me down from what I want to do. Thanks for your comment. I think my hair will love me for doing this too!
Poohbear said:
At church, I was telling this one lady how I was growing out my relaxer to go natural because she had noticed how my hair was getting thicker. And this other lady who is probably in her late 20's says "What 'cha gonna' do after that? Where an afro all the time?" And laughed. I just said "No, you can wear your hair several ways when it's natural."
I just thought to myself that it's kinda sad the things some black people do not know about what you can do with natural hair. I've never thought about going natural in my entire life and I'm glad that I've learned so much information about it from this forum.
Has anyone else here came across people who seem like relaxers are the ONLY way to go in taking care of black hair???

I used to think that relaxers were the ONLY way to go... I didn't have any natural role models around, so relaxing was the ONLY way for me...(( until I learned differently from being on hair boards :grin: ))

Maybe, just maybe, there's no natural role models around this lady... so in her naive mind, natural hair = wearing an afro = shame. Poohbear, once ur all natural, that same lady is gonna become interested in ur hair, u just wait & see.

Yeah, I've crossed paths with several folks who seemed to be upset that I was going natural. One even commented "why u wanna wear ur hair all nappy"? (( I'm not gonna go there now, cuz that question made me open a can of verbal whoop butt on her :lol: ... let's just say the same woman who asked me that question is now transitioning herself....& :love: her "napps" :lol: ))

Early in my transition, I crossed paths with a couple of people (at work) who wanted to know why I wear my hair in a bun all of the time... (( like as if it's any of their bit'ness anyhow :mad: )) . Well, after sharing that I was transitioning to natural, I could tell that they wanted to say "something" (& honestly, I think it woulda been a negative comment), but they didn't say anything...just kinda smirked. NOW, those same people are ALWAYS asking me questions... "how did u transition", "how can I grow my hair", "what's the best product to use", yadda yadda.

.... so again, I say, just wait.... miss funny lady is gonna be all over ur hair once ur all natural!!!! :lol:
See Poobear and Peachtree, this is why I choose not to tell anyone until I was done transitioning. I didn't want a single comment directed to me to turn me around. I didn't even post pics until I was done! It was my little secret.

Even though I knew that this was what I desperately wanted for a long time. I knew that it would only take one negative ignorant person to say something and have me second guessing for a minute.

I remember mentioning growing out a relaxer to someone without saying that I was doing the same...and that person said, “Why would anyone want to grow out their relaxer…if they have one they must need? Oh well, I new that I wasn’t going to tell that person anything.

Now, I have other women wanting to transition…but what burns me up is when I give advice and they say something like “your hair is not like mine” and totally ignore me. Oh well! :ohwell:

I’ve even told them about LHCF several times each...and they still have not visited. I’ve even e-mailed a LHCF link to them...and they still didn’t view the site. I tell them, "Don't ask me I told were to go."

Why do people still think that visiting a hair care board is ridiculous when their hair looks like crap?

I even e-mailed them hair album links of heads of hair similar to their own hair…still they never even viewed LHCF. I don’t do this anymore. When they start telling me about how horrible their hair is I ignore them.
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tru_mind, I guess some people just don't appreciate when others try to help them. It's sad.
Ditto to what webby said. I remember when I was so ecstatic about going natural, I told different people who for some strange reason I thought would be ecstatic for me. Instead, I got the 'what'cha gonna do that fo?' speech. Now my hair is in the middle of my back after two years...ha ha.
Don't u hate when people think their stuff don't stink? I am wondering why people think u can only wear an afro. I am a natural wannabe, but I know I cannot handle it. I admire anyone who can do this. Poohbear, you go girl!
Natrlchallenge said:
Don't u hate when people think their stuff don't stink? I am wondering why people think u can only wear an afro. I am a natural wannabe, but I know I cannot handle it. I admire anyone who can do this. Poohbear, you go girl!

Shoot, I can't wait to sport a fro one day when I'm natural!!! :weird:
I did like tru_mind. I told very few people I was transitioning. I just wore my styles and that was it. It was so much better that way because I didn't have to deal with people and their hang-ups about natural hair.

People like the lady you mentioned just don't know any better.
I'm transitioning too and I don't think I'm going to tell people that I've decided to go natural. Some people JUST dont understand why some people go natural. I found it very dumb on my best friends part because I told her I was going to natural and she was like, "OMG WTF FOR?" Mind you this is coming from someone who went completely natural only one year ago. She has locs and doesn't believe there are other styles to sport other than locs or the big afro.

I just wanna say, shout out to Tru_Mind. You may not know it, but you are my hair inspiration. Your avatar and pics (WGO vs. Kemi) are beautiful. You would never know u were natural. I'm sorry to hear that your hair is coming out in GLOBS though.