How often do you go to the salon?


Well-Known Member
I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong forum. I decided to go natural about five months ago, and it's been a bit more difficult lately. This is the longest I've ever gone without a relaxer, and I have been going to the salon every other week. However, since my hair is becoming a bit more unmanageable, I decided to start going every week. Some people think this is excessive, and I just wanted to find out you ladies' salon schedule. Do you typically go every other week, or do you go every week? My plan now is to get a regular wash and blow dry every other week, but the alternate weeks, I'll get a hydration treatment. Let me know your thoughts!
I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong forum. I decided to go natural about five months ago, and it's been a bit more difficult lately. This is the longest I've ever gone without a relaxer, and I have been going to the salon every other week. However, since my hair is becoming a bit more unmanageable, I decided to start going every week. Some people think this is excessive, and I just wanted to find out you ladies' salon schedule. Do you typically go every other week, or do you go every week? My plan now is to get a regular wash and blow dry every other week, but the alternate weeks, I'll get a hydration treatment. Let me know your thoughts!

DarlingNiki1977, if you can afford to go every week then it's not excessive. Who cares what other's think? Either, it's in your budget or it's not. My concern is that you need to learn how to handle your natural hair on your own. You're not going through that learning curve, if your going to the salon every week.
DarlingNiki1977, if you can afford to go every week then it's not excessive. Who cares what other's think? Either, it's in your budget or it's not. My concern is that you need to learn how to handle your natural hair on your own. You're not going through that learning curve, if your going to the salon every week.

I agree. I used to go every week when I was relaxed (I also didn't ask others as to their opinion of me spending my money on me weekly but that is another story.....:look:). I then learned how to take care of my own hair. When I transitioned, it was "easier" for me to do bc I was already felt comfortable doing my own hair. I also knew immediately what products worked for my hair because I was used to feeling it every step of the way (prewash, during poo, detangling, braiding, etc.). I could tell if my hair reacted immediately to a product.
I go to the salon once a month unless I have in braids. I wouldn't worry to much what people had to say...they are not going to come to your house and help you do your hair so who cares what they say/think?
Thanks everyone! Just to be clear, I'm not saying that I care about others opinions or allow their opinions to dictate my actions. However, it cause me think that maybe this is an excessive expense, And perhaps I'm doing myself a disservice by not learning how to fix my own newly natural hair. But, the fact remains that I have no interest in fighting with my hair at this time. I do think I'd much rather pay someone else to deal with it and go on about my business. Thanks so much for the replies!
Thanks everyone! Just to be clear, I'm not saying that I care about others opinions or allow their opinions to dictate my actions. However, it cause me think that maybe this is an excessive expense, And perhaps I'm doing myself a disservice by not learning how to fix my own newly natural hair. But, the fact remains that I have no interest in fighting with my hair at this time. I do think I'd much rather pay someone else to deal with it and go on about my business. Thanks so much for the replies!

Yeah, my only concern would be not getting the chance to learn how to handle my own hair. Do you prefer your hair straight? Does the blow dry and flat iron make things easier for you? Are you open to learning how to do natural hair styles?
Hardly ever. I use to go for special occasions to get my hair straightened, but after a horible experience with a scissor happy stylist I haven't nor do I plan to go(ne) back.
I go every 6 weeks like clock work. Every week or every other week is a lot of my money for me, but I'm lazy.
Never. I've always done my own hair when I used to wear extensions (braids), so unless I want a sew in or an intricate cornrow style, I am not going to go to the salon. I have not been interested in any of those styles since being on my HHJ so...

If it seems like an extra unneeded expense to you (like "dang, I could use this money for xyz), I would first start to look for ideas to handle your own hair before you cut out the salon visits. Decrease them slowly. Instead of once a week, you can do bi-weekly. Visit youtube and ask on here for ideas.

I would also say that you should make the decision to learn to handle your own hair when you are ready. Of course we are always here to help. :yep:

Have you visited the transitioning w/out bcing thread yet?
I rarely visit the salon because they don't know how to manage my natural hair. The most recent salon visit was for a blow out and flat iron which didn't end well. I walked out with my hair half blown out and half wet.

I did get a trim at Supercuts in June but I didn't use them for styling.
When I was relaxed I went bi-weekly, then weekly if I had problems. Now that I'm natural I don't go except for this one braid style that I can't do on my own. Well, I don't want to try to do it on my own. Definitely see what you can deal with yourself in your own time. And if you just can't deal with any parts of doing your own hair and you find someone who can, then I say keep going.
Girl who cares? Go as often as you want. I go fairly often. I always feed bad for posters that say they can't find/don't trust stylists :look: If you don't like doing your hair now you won't like doing it later either. Forgoing the salon won't change that. Enjoy your new hair :kiss: