how often do you go through a "bad phase?"


New Member
how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

The last time I went through a bad phase was probably last August. I couldn't figure out the right technique to get my hair smooth and the styles that would work on my hair at that point of transitioning.

Well, here I am again. Back at a stage whe I just look at my hair in the mirror and just don't know what to do to it. I feel like old methods don't work anymore. Maybe that is because I have more natural hair than I used to. I just feel frustrated and am once again on a quest to find the right combination to get the right look.

I also feel bored. I'm sick of looking in the mirror and just seeing "my face." I miss seeing my hair.
Maybe I should start wearing my hair down more often? But I don't wanna b/c I want to retain length since I cut so much back in December.

I am just opening up the floor to venting. Thanks for listening to me. Anyone else need to get something off their chest?
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I definitely feel this way Hairlove. it's not jsut you AT ALL!

I often feel like my hair texture changes from month to month - sometimes it's soft and silky, sometimes it's unruly and unmanageable - seemingly with no provocation from me - same products and everything.

Since I don't waer my hair up as often, my solution is usually to pull it back for a while. I'm not bored with that - so if my hair looks crazy all the time to me it's a welcome change. Wearing your hair down a little for a while may just be the thing you need to get you over the hump.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

awwee hairlove, dont feel bad. i'm going thru a "bad phase" myself right now. My phase is that my hair is DRY. not dry and breaking, just dry like the desert. ughhhhh. my head is doing it's regular "winter is over" shedding. the hairs are from the root with the bulb attached so no worries there. i'm buying me some more vaseline tomorrow and putting that on my ends but as far as the rest of my hair....i'm just gonna try a new deep conditioner or add some evoo to my Queen Helene Cholesterol that i use now for deep con treatments. i havent been feeling the "hair uglies" for a while, but i have them now. Also, dont feel bad wearing your hair down like once every couple weeks or so. you take such good care of it, just think of it as a reward to yourself
or just play with some new up do's. HTH --jainygirl
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I feel ya too. In fact that's one of the reasons why I joined the braid challenge. I'm kinda tired of my hair and being in a high maintenance phase, sooooo I've put my hair in twists until I get over it.

I was this way this time last year as well. I put my hair in cornrows then and that was not a smart move on my part. My hair is very fine, especially around the edges and so it broke off a little. SO now I'm scared of cornrows.

I also sometimes think it's Spring fever cause it seems to happen around this time of the year.

Anywho - cheer up chica - this too shall pass.......
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I have been going through a bad phase for a while now. I try not to think about my hair as much but I cant help it. I feel like anything I do just makes it worse!!

I hope that our "bad phase" moves right on outta here!!
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Thanks for the encouragement. I am just trying different things right now till I figure out what works again. {Sigh} Glad to know I'm not alone. I think I may try wearing my hair down in a braidout or twistout more often and see how that works for me.

Jainygirl, I have realized that cholesterol conditioners are just not for me. They leave an icky film on my hair. Have you considered trying another type of deep conditioner to see if it helps with dryness?
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I feel All of you. I don't know what to do with my hair. At one point I thought it was growing and now I can't even tell anymore. I can't wear braidouts, twists or any style. I am 6 months post relaxer (transitioning and not knowing lol) I am about to go get a perm.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Everyday is a bad phase...I think its the frequent washing, con washing, wetting or whatever, but my hair has never been so broken off as it has been in these past 3 weeks. Even when I am as gentle as possible and moisturize super well, use big wide tooth combs, dont comb, reconstruct,, acv rinse..i experience mad breakage.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Tracy said:
Wearing your hair down a little for a while may just be the thing you need to get you over the hump.

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I was thinking the same thing.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I think I go through a "bad phase" every 2 or 3 months. Right now my hair doesn't seem to be growing as fast as it was last year, and I'm also getting tired of filtering water to wash my hair because my scalp doesn't feel clean. I just want to get in the shower & use my handheld shower head to get down into my scalp. That's what I've been doing now with the braids, and I'm hoping I don't end up with a big mess to deal with later on. I'm tired of being afraid of water & whatever mineral deposits that could be clinging to my strands. BTW, Hairlove, have you ever considered braids--maybe without extensions? Especially since you have a lot of natural hair now.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I am going through more than a bad phase, it's starting to get a little scary. My hair is starting to thin and I just found a little bald spot near the crown of my head and I dont know why all this is happening. Im not under any type of extreme stress and everything I do to try fix the problem doesn't seem to be working. I just had my mom make a doctor's appointment to make sure it isn't anything internal, but it is very depressing. My mom's hair has started to thin but she is 50 and I am only 21. I've tried to rule out any products that I have been using on my hair but I still cant seem to put my finger on it. I know I need to not think about it as much but not to
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

chocolate01 said:
I am going through more than a bad phase, it's starting to get a little scary. My hair is starting to thin and I just found a little bald spot near the crown of my head and I dont know why all this is happening. Im not under any type of extreme stress and everything I do to try fix the problem doesn't seem to be working. I just had my mom make a doctor's appointment to make sure it isn't anything internal, but it is very depressing. My mom's hair has started to thin but she is 50 and I am only 21. I've tried to rule out any products that I have been using on my hair but I still cant seem to put my finger on it. I know I need to not think about it as much but not to

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Are you wearing a lot of headbands or ponies? Those could be contributing to the hair loss.

Good luck with the Dr's appt.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

I wouldn't call it a bad phase, but sometimes I get into a hairstyle rut. Usually I'm too busy to really care, other times I try to get inspired by cruising hair albums.. or I come up with some type of hair experiment.

Hang in there, Spring is just around the corner
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

The badness starts when the new growth pops out around week 4. Then every wash and detangle session is difficult and I have to be patient. My latest strategy is to wash the hair in braided sections and deep condition with heat before combing.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Ipanema said:
BTW, Hairlove, have you ever considered braids--maybe without extensions? Especially since you have a lot of natural hair now.

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Thanks for the suggesting but no, I have never considered braids. I guess I am just not into braids for myself though I do think they look cute on other people. I worry about breakage/damage/hair loss and I think that it was has kept me away.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

hairlove said:
Ipanema said:
BTW, Hairlove, have you ever considered braids--maybe without extensions? Especially since you have a lot of natural hair now.

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Thanks for the suggesting but no, I have never considered braids. I guess I am just not into braids for myself though I do think they look cute on other people. I worry about breakage/damage/hair loss and I think that it was has kept me away.

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My friend has hair like yours and she had flat twists going/pinned into a curly updo form using her caruso curlers. I thought it was pretty
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Ditto CheerBear! We must have the same head of hair! I'm so sick and tired of all the breakage, etc....that I HATE looking in the mirror at my hair; not to mention that I'm terrified to comb it anymore.
Re: how often do you go through a \"bad phase?\"

Cheerbear, have you tried washing/conditioning your hair in sections? For example, braiding in 4 braids - then wash and condition each section separately and braid back up immediately once you're done. Then, detangle and braid up again for a braidout. That might keep you from having to constantly manipulate your hair.