How Often Do You Change Your Regimen?


I was looking at some older posts and it seems that I have changed my regimen quite a few times during the 2 years of my membership. I went from Dominican Blowouts once a month to wigging it for months at a time. Then I tried straightening my hair myself. That was too time consuming. Now I'm back to wigs, but next week I'll do my straight hair regimen again...

Am I the only one that is constantly changing her routine?

The only consistent thing is that I shampoo in the shower with Cream of Nature poo and I use Kerastase masks afterwards. Sink washing didn't work for me :nono2:
Am I the only one that is constantly changing her routine?

I used to change mine every few weeks (sometimes every wash day) but I've been on the one I'm on now for the past 6 months or so and my hair is doing better than it has in years. Shows me that in order to keep my head happy I need to be simple AND consistent, plus use products that are good for my head of hair, not necessarily everyone else's.
I generally stick with the same products. I may experiment but I always go back to my old faithfuls. As far as styles it depends on the season. From May to December is my wash and go season. The rest of the year it's buns and halo twists.

Next year I do plan on making some changes to add in more oils like I did in the beginning. And I'll be doing my scalp massages again.
I've been tweaking my regimen for the last year. Trying a couple different products, using oils in different ways (prepoo, DC mix, oil rinse, DIY grease), and trying new techniques. No fast changes, just testing things out to see what works best for me.

Today, 6 months after my BC, my regimen is close to being set. Once it is, I don't plan on making anymore changes.
I've been tweaking my regimen a lot. I only shift my regimen based on what is going on with my hair. When I was dealing with too much breakage, I started using hard proteins. As of lately, every 2 months I add something minor, but needed. Recently I started using Neutragena T/Sal poo to exfoliate my scalp every two weeks.
I used to worry about how inconsistent I was being changing my regimen but not anymore. Documenting has been very helpful in looking back and seeing what does and doesn't work for me. Sometimes I'll tweak my regimen and other times I'll completely revamp it. I base it on what my hair needs right now, the styles I'm currently wearing and how it fits into my lifestyle. I mean why stick with a set regimen if your hair is breaking off/dry/tangled?
If something's not working change it. Eh we're entitled to change our minds.
I may change "products" but my actual Regimen stays the same.

The products are all pretty much similar in functionality.

My actual regimen itself is pretty consistent.

I will use lighter/heavier products Spring/Summer Fall/Winter.
Same. My regimen is pretty consistent at this point. I think back when I was constantly changing things up I didn't really have a set regimen at all.

Now the only thing that I've been tweaking is protein because it took me a minute to find the right amount that my hair likes. I see my hair likes weekly light protein mixed in with my moisture dc. And now I'm going to see if it likes a 1x a month hard protein. Other than that, shampoo, dc and style every week. Simple as that. No extra steps.
My regimen/products usually stay the same.

Now that I'm experimenting with straighter hairstyles some tweaks need to be made. I'm learning as I go along. I haven't as yet gotten into a groove and pattern like I did when I usually wash and do a twist out. I might need to start using more protein based products and figure out styling and how to balance heat. A total relearning process.
I have been slowly tweaking my regimen to fit my needs. A few products have stayed same but the overall processed has changed a lot. What I like about my new regimen is that I won't have to change the whole process during the summer...a major bonus for me.
I used to change my routine up a lot, but since I am on a personal hair consistency will equal growth challenge I have been KIS.

Summer 2016 will be braids and PS for me. Definitely a change from my straight natural hair.
Honestly, it really depends on my length of hair. For my TWA, I try to stick to my regimen as best as I can for consistent results as I don't like surprises during the day :nono:.
I have been sticking to the same regimen of shampoo followed by a Kerastase mask for over a year now. I've learned not to detangle wet hair. I only detangle when my hair is about 80% dry. I started finger combing now, but that's pretty much the only change. I'm currently doing the wig regimen, but every now and then I do my straight regimen to switch it up.

I've learned over the last year that it isn't necessarily the products, but the technique. I was just slapping conditioner on my hair without working it through. Now I apply conditioner to one braid at a time and I make sure every strand gets coated. It takes a little more time, but the health of my hair has improved so much.
I am a really lazy natural. Part of why I try and stay on the boards is inspiration to do something. So my regimen is actually pretty much the same, I moved the order around ...clay monthly is now clay weekly and I have tried a plethora of products. I agree that technique trumps products but at the same time products do matter ...still nothing really new here.
I have nearly the same basic regimen as when I started. I simple tweak the products from time to time.

What I really need to do is work on techniques for different hair styles and setting up routine tweaks for straightening hair, roller setting, etc.
After jumping on the bandwagon of a product that did nothing for my hair, I stopped switching everything. I was so frustrated w/myself. That was last summer. After more than a year of experimenting, I knew what worked and what didn't, so why periodically work my nerves and waste my money?

My regimen since then has been, working in sections: pre-poo, cleanse, dc, cleanse, green tea rinse, leave-in, style/seal. If I co-wash, it's working in sections: condition w/a cheapy (pre-poo), rinse, green tea rinse, leave-in, style/seal. Though I'd like a 2nd dc, my staple products haven't changed at all, and like others I may rotate on occasion.

My hair is no longer in TWA phase, and the longer it gets the more I have to work myself up to tackle it. If I weren't consistent by now, I'd be back at the barber!
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I generally stick with the same products. I may experiment but I always go back to my old faithfuls. As far as styles it depends on the season. From May to December is my wash and go season. The rest of the year it's buns and halo twists.

Next year I do plan on making some changes to add in more oils like I did in the beginning. And I'll be doing my scalp massages again.
I'm trying to do more roller sets and stay away from buns. I think I did a wash n go or two already this year but I'm trying to steer clear of them for the rest of the year.
I have nearly the same basic regimen as when I started. I simple tweak the products from time to time.

What I really need to do is work on techniques for different hair styles and setting up routine tweaks for straightening hair, roller setting, etc.

This. My routine is basically the same as it was a few years ago but every so often I will stay a bit to try something new (mostly techniques).
Same regimen, different products for me. I simply keep my hair in wigs or bunned. I used to wash and DC twice a week a few years ago, got lazy and decreased it to once every three weeks, now I do so once a week to once every two weeks.

I color my grays one to two times a month depending on how fast my hair is growing out. It grows a little faster when I'm very active, eating well, and exercising a lot.

I simply prepoo (I just actively started this consistently by the way), shampoo, deep condition/oil rinse, moisturize and seal, plait it up to put on my wig or bun. That's it.
@Aggie what type of hair color do you use?. Demi or permanent?

I need to make some decisions because this demi perm color left in like 4 weeks.:look: