How long did it take you to notice improvement in your hair?

After joining LHCF, how long did it take you to notice an improvement in your hair

  • immediately

    Votes: 9 8.0%
  • 2 weeks

    Votes: 8 7.1%
  • 1 month

    Votes: 29 25.9%
  • 2 months

    Votes: 8 7.1%
  • 3 months

    Votes: 26 23.2%
  • 6 months to 1 year

    Votes: 18 16.1%
  • 1 year or more- My hair was/is in a serious state of emergency

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • Still waiting...

    Votes: 12 10.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
The first thing I noticed was less breakage b/c I moisturize more. It took about 4-6 weeks to see the difference. How long did it take for you to an improvement in your hair after joining LHCF.
I voted for 1 month. After about 3 weeks, I started noticing that my hair is fuller, I'm having less breakage, and an increased rate of growth. After joining I started washing/co-washing and moisturizing more often, using leave-ins & BT, and taking vitamins consistently.
My hair was in a rough state when I started LHCF in October '06. I voted for 3 months because I would say that's when my hair became healthy all around.

After 3 months I feel my hair started growing and retaining length faster because of the overrall condition of my hair.
Hmm, I don't really know how to answer this question because my hair wasn't in bad shape, per se, to begin with. But I will say that the other tips I've learned here like not using a rat tail comb on wet hair, curbing excess manipulation, and little to no heat has helped me retain length in a shorter amount of time.
I voted two weeks. But really after a week of using conditioning techniques learned here I could see a difference in my hair.
I voted 3 months, because I didn't take my hair journey really seriously till last fall, so 3 months from there. It took that long to figure out my protein/moisture balance and where my regimen was headed (like, for example, forbidding all stylists and uninformed "friends" from touching my head).
I noticed an improvement about a month after I started washing/dcing, and moisturizing my ends. My hair was always dry prior to joining. I trimmed a little because my ends were :eek:
3-4 months, I started to see my hair slowly turn around and make a change.

My ish was damaged and brittle when I found the board...:(
I noticed a difference within a few months, and so did my regular stylists. :) At this point, i was regularly moisturizing/sealing my ends and using MTG. I was still doing a LOT wrong (ie, combing frequently, not wearing protective styles consistently, not taking my vitamins regularly).... but the little bit i had changed was already making the difference. After i incorporated those last practices into my regimen......... my hair took off. This was at about the 6 month point.
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I've been here 2 years, and I'm still waiting, but I think it has less to do with LHCF. I'm not motivated, and I don't come in the hair forum much for tips. I'm in Off Topic and Entertainment forum way too much.
I voted immediately because I already did my bc before I found this site and my hair wasn't in bad condition after I bc'd but I wasn't deep conditioning etc thinking I don't need that anymore because I'm natural so my hair was kind of dry so after my first pre poo with olive oil and then a deep condition treatment my hair immediately felt different I with all the things I learned after that my hair was way more manageable
I'd say about a month. My hair was sooo dry and crying out for moisture, but I didn't "get it" until I found the forum. Once I started deep conditioning regularly and moisturizing daily my moisture levels improved. Now I'm just waiting on the length to follow :)
After losing the majority of my hair in the sew in incident my main focus was on growing my hair out aw fast as possible. After learning about retaining length by protecting my ends I noticed growth immediately and my hair looked 200% better after a month.
I voted two months. I never really did to much of anything with my hair. I was doing to good to grease my scalp..... I started to wash and dc, and to cut out the heat, then i noticed a BIG CHANGE
I haven't yet :(and I've been here about 3 months. I've been doing only protective styles, baggying, using protein, you name it, and I still see little broken hairs and my hair is still the same length. :(

At this point, I think the fact that I'm constantly stressing about my hair is making it worse...sort of like the saying "A watched pot never boils"...So I guess I'll just keep doing what I know makes my hair feel good and see what happens. But I do wish I was retaining some length.
My hair is still going thru some improvement. I keep on going thru changes with my hair. I think a saw an improvement by 3mos second relaxer.
It seems like a few of share the same problem of dry and brittle hair. I still have breakage but not as much as I did a few months ago. The advice on this board is very helpful. Viewing other peoples progress has helped me out a lot.
Within 2 weeks of joining LHCF and doing the baggy method my dry hair has improved 75%. Thanks "Meaganita" for turning me on to the baggy!
It took about 3 months for my relaxed hair to get on track. The main thing that helped me was deep conditioning and daily moisturizing.

Now that I've done the BC, my hair is not damaged per se, but I have to start a new learning process, so it's still very trial and error right now.
I just joined lhcf about a month ago and I've already seen improvements. First I started taking hair vitamins and silica every morning in addition to my women's multi. I also tried prepooing with olive oil and some deep condition and left it on much longer than usual. I've also started adding moisturizer to my hair 3-4 days a week. All of these things have greatly improved the condition of my hair. I've noticed less tangles and breakage when combing and I swear those vitamins are helping with my length. Most of all this board has helped me to stop being sooooo lazy when it comes to my hair. That was my biggest problem of all.
I voted a month bc I was hardheaded about the blowdryer. Then, about a month or so later, the light went on! I tossed out a lot of appliances since...
My hair has always been long and in good shape, but it was a little dry. That was fixed in about a couple of months.
A month, I noticed my hair wasn't dry any more with frequency of wash, moisturing and sealing.
It took me 6 mos to a year. When I first joined my hair was just relaxed after being natural for 5 yrs so my hair was in a state of shock and had to get use to being relaxed. I had a major set back in early July 2008 so that really messed up my progress. My hair started looking health and retaining almost a year later
I voted immediately but I starting seeing results after my 1st WEN CW. My poor hair was parched at that time.:nono:
I put immediately but that's because I did the BC and getting rid of my color damaged/relaxer damaged hair was an immediate boost that my hair needed. It's been healthy and growing ever since :)
About a month and change. There was a time when I couldn't run my fingers through my hair without seeing little broken pieces on my finger tips. My hair was in dire need of moisture; I had previously been using serums as instructed by my then stylist. :rolleyes: Once I started using decent conditioners and water-based leave-ins, my hair situation started looking up.