How does God speak to you?


Well-Known Member
Ladies I have a question for you, how do you hear God? Is it a still small voice or through other people.

O.k. I have been going through a season in my life and have been wrestling with it, calling out to God for some type of clarity, peace since then every message that I hear some what touches on it and I don't mean just going to church and hearing a current message. I mean old messages I had on CD and decided to listen to again and then again on various podcasts.

When I am in my quiet time with God, I have heard a clear cut convesation about how and why this person will not prevail and how until they repent they are going to hit nothing but road blocks, about their inner torment and how it may look like they are getting over but then all of a sudden things will start to unravel. And I was like yeah right, thinking it was my imagination going wild but the voice told me to go and read about King Saul then it clicked, who it was and what he was trying to get through to me.

Then I kid you not I was listening to a study a few days later about God's justice and how whether we know it or not he takes seriously the wrongs done to his children and will get justice for them. I sitting a my desk crying like a baby.

Has anyone ever had confirmation like this?
No, I've never had confirmation like that, but I sure would love it. I am going through a season right now of me feeling like God isn't speaking to me so I'm sorry I couldn't be of help, but your message was encouraging!!
I know exactly what you are talking about, when something just clicks. Like for example about the verse about all sins being equal, I was trying to figure that out, and then it clicked..all sins were the same because the root was the lack of love.
It is like an internet addiction person and a crack addicted person, one is more extreme but they both sort of have the same root and consequences, and lead to inteference with your relationship with God.
Other times I will just get the feeling of peace when trouble arise and I know that everything will be ok.
....and sometimes if I want to cry, I'll get stopped....I am literally stopped from crying and the problem is solved.
I find all this amazing and beautiful, I have truly been blessed by God. It helps me alot to know God loves me since I suffer from depression.