How do you respond to people who challenge you?


Well-Known Member
I know that as a christian we will be challenged, ridiculed, and even threatened. In our walk. This morning I posted this on my fb

Powerful: Many have more faith in a textbook written by a person whose eyes may be clouded by their own secrets, than rely upon the Word of a God who knows the end from the beginning. T.D. Jakes

She responded:

Irony: this status. God didnt write the bible, he didnt drop it from the heavens. It was compiled and edited by MEN. Who were clouded by their own opinions, secrets, and the accepted values and customs of their times. #Think:

We did go back and forth on fb until she just stopped responding but I want to be a christian who not only has a solid foundation in Christ but who can plant a seed in that persons life and make them not only question their spirituality but maybe because more curious and seek the word themselves.


I know I have the bible to study but do you guys have any websites or books I can read on these kind of situations? There is an influx of blog/ books on blessings, relationships, and others. So I'm assuming there should be plenty on this
Hiya sweetvi... in situations like this, I always remember that some of us plant, some of us water..but it is God who gives the increase; and there are times we plant and water unbeknownst to us. Seems this person needed to read that TD Jakes quote, because the response wasn't about you. :yep: and it's good you'd reached out to them by trying to communicate. However there are times, we can only do but so much, and must leave the rest to God. Stay encouraged!

There's a helpful site called the Sermon Notebook... hopefully others can share other sites as well.
Thank you Laela. She got even more nastier but I kept my cool. I also took this as I need to start reading and studying more to build more of my foundation in Christ. I'm going to go buy a life application bible with my KJV one I already have to dive deeper. There are people who are strong in their unbelief just like we are in Jesus Christ
All the replies have been great, I get challenge all the time. Especially with my family members, my dad is a minister and so you just can't imagine the struggle I go through, since what I believe and what my family believe is dramatically different and they will not allow me to go to the bible, I am learning that while reading the bible more and more, I am able to recall what scripture is where. In any case, for that particular person, scripture is always best. Since the bible always explains it self. I just say well in 2 Timothy 3:16
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God." 2 Peter 1:21"Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." . and that "The scripture cannot be broken." John 10:35.

Then I would leave it alone. Because she is not really arguing with you. Remember this is a war we are in. But continue to build up your faith and get stronger this is only the beginning and your ARMOR has to be strong.
sweetvi, I hope this helps-
Well, honestly it took me years to not get offended easily in this area. I had to learn to look at them for what they are- ignorant of the truth. I don't mean that to be sarcastic either. I equate their behavior with that of a child who truly believes they know and understand something but they don't. I keep calm. I assess the situation to know if it's a time to speak or a time to remain silent and inside I am praying asking God for guidance and wisdom for this particular situation/ person/ circumstance b/c each one is so unique. I resist the very human urge to belittle them even if that's exactly what they are doing. Now this is IRL, face to face. Honestly if it's over the net, I'm likely to state the facts and then be done with it. Simply b/c either way what I'm not gonna do is lose my cool. I always remind myself that Jesus, who I claim to be following, never belittled people. He was witty and did not have a problem putting people in their place but it was not coming from a place of malice.

On a practical side I find Christian apologetics to be spot on for many situations. Two of my favorites are Bob Dutko and Voddie Bachaum. I also like the plain in your face truth expounded on by people like Andy Stanley, Mark Driskoll, or Lee Strobel.

Knowledege is power. Keep "studying to show thyself approved". Ask God to give you wisdom and to help you be ready at all times and in all situations. Then ask him to put godly people in your life who can help you grow in this area of your walk too. Ask him to use you in this way (it's all spiritual warfare) too. The world really needs it. They need someone to challenge them to really open their minds and think freely. To help them see the real truths that exist.
Thanks for the tag...
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Thanks prudent!!! I also have to remember that we can't be people pleasers as well. For if we are, then we are not for God
I try to understand where they're coming from. I normally ask them if they have read the bible. I don't think I would argue with her statement. I don't know if I would classify her as an unbeliever unless I knew it for a fact.

Actually she argued with me and was insulting lol. She called Christians hypocritical, judgemental, cruel, etc. So maybe she has had some experience that made her feel this way. However, I love her nonetheless and we are still friends
Without having read the responses, I will say this. When i first joined my church, we did an entire study on how to handle this. The big takaway was that it is NOT our responsibility to prove anything to anyone. All we are to do is plant the seed and live it out through our walk. We know that God divinely inspired the Bible and that he dropped all that knowledge into the minds, ears, and hearts of the men who penned it. We know that there are reasons that not every piece of literature, from any point in history or present, can be considered divine knowledge, but rather that it is just the interpretation and opinion of someone.

For people like that, I would refer to this scripture. Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

People like that, whether they realize it or not, are being led by something and they often don't even know. It may be that God is testing our faith in Him by using them to challenge us, or it may be that the devil is using them to confuse us.

Either way. post that scripture in "challenge" and let it go. Pray for those non-believers.
Oh, and unfortunately, sometimes these things happen to show us how we are unevenly yoked and that we need to cut people off. I've had to unfriend quite a few people on FB because I use mine to keep in touch with people far away, but I don't want to get on and see naked people, and cursing every other status. reminds me. . . .its time for me to do a FB raid. lol
@Prudent, I agree knowledge is power... and that challenges from others (good or bad) can only help us to become more prepared, for any situation.

On a practical side I find Christian apologetics to be spot on for many situations. Two of my favorites are Bob Dutko and Voddie Bachaum. I also like the plain in your face truth expounded on by people like Andy Stanley, Mark Driskoll, or Lee Strobel.
Knowledege is power. Keep "studying to show thyself approved". Ask God to give you wisdom and to help you be ready at all times and in all situations. Then ask him to put godly people in your life who can help you grow in this area of your walk too. Ask him to use you in this way (it's all spiritual warfare) too. The world really needs it. They need someone to challenge them to really open their minds and think freely. To help them see the real truths that exist.
Thanks for the tag...