How do you pre-poo?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
What products do you use? How long do you apply them for? Do you use heat?

I generally use my DC as a pre-poo . . .
I usually use whatever's around. I've used Coconut oil, mayo, mixtures of various conditioners or cholesterol with oil blended in. Whatever is on hand.
Depends on how i feel. Sometimes i prepoo with alma or EVOO overnight. Sometimes i prepoo with a protein conditioner anywhere from an hour to overnight. I only use body heat when i prepoo.
I mix

Conditioner - Usually suave humectant, and Suave Coconut
Oil - usually soy. I jsut started using coconut.

Sometimes I mix in some Olive Oil Creme or some cinnamon.

I place a plastic cap on top and let sit for an hour or more
aveda and burts bee has pre-shampoo treatments that are made just for that. I tried coconut milk and it was great. Warm up 1/4 cup and put it on your hair followed by a plastic cap. Dryer is optional. leave in for about 20 minutes and rinse.
I apply humectress or silicon mix (depending on whether my hair needs moisture or protein) to dry hair, bag it, and sit under the dryer for 20-30 minutes.