How are you wearing your hair for Thanksgiving?


New Member
I flat ironed my hair last night with my new amika flat iron, and it looks like I got a blowout this morning. I know its not the flat iron, because it got my hair silky smooth (for 20 seconds) before it puffed up. Idk if its damage or my products were crap (likely) or my technique is crap (even more likely), but I am wearing it out and big. I'll be damned if I spent 4 hours last night to just put this in a bun >:|


Well-Known Member

not caring much today


Well-Known Member
washed on sunday wigging with my same ole freetress long island girl wig..changed the color combo though 1b/33 this go round intstead of 1b/27 or 1b/30...been wigging it for over 2yrs now.