Honey Bee's Year End Progress

Honey Bee

Well-Known Member
When I joined in August, as you can see from my siggy, my ends were jacked up. :nono::perplexed

Here I am December 31, 2009.
(sorry about the flash)


I drew lines to represent APL, but I don't know if they're accurate. My family refuses to take any more hair pics. I wore them out. :lachen:

As far as a 'progress report' goes, I don't think I made my end of the year goal of APL. I would have to get somebody else to take some more pics. :ohwell:

eta: On a brighter note, I am glad that it's continuing to thicken up. Don't wanna seem ungrateful. :)

2nd (and final :look:) edit: These pics were taken after my first self-dusting. :yay:
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Great progress!!
Thank you! Just reading that made me feel all warm and happy inside. It's official- I'm obsessed! :lachen:

Great progress! Congrats on reaching APL!
Awww, you think so? That's two votes. :clap::lachen:
(I tried to go back and include a poll, but it was too late)

It looks good, major difference since August. Whatever you're doing is working.:yep:
Thank you! :) I started sealing regularly. And moisturizing in sections (a major part of growing out that "W"). It's amazing what the simple things can accomplish. :yep:
^^^ Thank you!

btw, everytime I see one of your posts, I sing your screenname to the tune of "Halle Berrrrrrry, Halle Berry" :lachen:
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Great job:clapping: You look APL to me.
Awww, thank you!

Hey Honey! Great progress. I would say that you're not quite APL...yet
See, that's why I was asking. I suffer from a little hair-orexia, so I can never be sure until I take pics, but this set just wasn't conclusive. I guess I'll check again on my next length check, cuz my hair is already back in a braid-out.

:sekret: I'm glad everything worked out okay, over in the other forum. I love it when things work out. :rosebud:

you did a good job on your first self dustiing, and your hair is lovely, keep it up
Thank you so much. You should have seen my mother's face while I was doing it: :nono: However, when she saw the final result, she was all, so you gon' do mine next time, right? I was like, oooooh, so now you wanna be down?! :lachen::lachen:
congratulations on your progress, you are definitely there. Good job, BSL in 2010!
I'm thinking long and hard about joining the BSL challenge, I just don't think I'm there yet. I might join just for the encouragement. :yep:

nice progress
Thanks, Mz. ;)

Take a pic with your arms down. IT's throwing it off a bit. But you look APL to me!
I know, these pics are terrible. I broke at least two 'rules' (posting with my arms up and poor lighting). Oh well, I figure, at least I didn't tilt my head back, or make the lines mad high. :lachen:

I'm on a personal no direct heat challenge with one pass/month, so I might try again toward the middle or end of January. In the meantime, I'll practice taking pics without my arms up, like in Barbie's siggy. :yep:

Good progress! Looks like APL to me :yep:
Thank you! So, let me see, out of 15 posters, I think I got 6 yea's, 1 (definite) nay, and 8 noncommittal's- not enough to claim it, imo, especially since I'm not altogether sure myself. :tantrum:

j/p :lol: