Hi Naturals..... can I get a count....

How often are your doing a straight look??

  • Weekly... twice a week

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Weekly....once a week

    Votes: 17 7.5%
  • Twice a month....every 2 weeks

    Votes: 17 7.5%
  • Once a month.....just to check the length, change your look

    Votes: 58 25.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 132 58.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
There is no particular set time when I straightened, but if I had to pick an average I would say once a month. As long as I use plenty of heat protectants, professional flat irons, and good methods I do not worry about heat damage and my hair stays healthy. When I get bored I can easily go back to my beautiful natural hair. :)
So far In my 10months of being natural... I've pressed once..just cause I wanted to see how long it was... I'll prolly straighten it maybe 2-3times a year..just to see progress...That's about it.. My hair usually doesnt stay str8 for long anyway..Lol.. I end up doing pin curls and then braid outs till I feel like washing it.
I blow my hair out every other month for a length check, but that's about it. I've yet to flat iron my hair, I'm saving that for my bc anniversary.
I haven't straightened my hair in years. I used to do it to trim my ends but it was too much work and my hair always reverted within a few hours. So I wear my hair in its natural state and dust my ends as needed.
I usually get my hair pressed about 3 times a year. I'm thinking about pressing every 2 months during the cooler months though. I love my curls, but as my hair gets longer, it becomes a grueling job to detangle.
During my transistion I had my hair straightened for the first 4 months, every two weeks. Then I wore buns and braids until I BC at 16 1/2 months post. Now I only straighten when I get the nerve to have someone do it and need to trim. My sister goes back and forth during the fall, winter, and early spring but not in the summer.

I'm sure several people have suggested Braid outs and twist outs(didn't read the entire thread), these are two good transistioning styles.
I usually get my hair pressed about 3 times a year. I'm thinking about pressing every 2 months during the cooler months though. I love my curls, but as my hair gets longer, it becomes a grueling job to detangle.

Basically what she said. I love love love my curls, naps, frizz, but now that I'm coming out of braids, my hair is super thick and it about armpit--and detangling is a JOB! I use Cowboy Magic which is a God send, but I just don't have the patience. I'm getting my hair pressed this Friday and will be doing so every two weeks from then on.
When I was natural for 2 yrs, I only straightened once, and I am sure I am going to be the same way after I finish transitioning. I was too worried about excessive heat and reversion.
This year I plan to straighten once in December. Usually I straighten 4-5x per year. Since my hair is tightly curled, I'm more prone to heat damage than those with looser curls or waves. For me, I've learned that if I want to wear my hair mostly curly, then it's best for me to straighten as little as possible.
It's very possible :yep: Lately I've been going back and forth between straight hair and my natural texture with no damage. The key is:

1. Finding the right method that will give you the straightness you require, may it be pressing, flat iron or both (I do both)

2. Finding the right products to protect your hair from all that heat. (I use 3 heat protectants and I also use my DC as a leave-in) It's a lot but my hair still turns out swangiin

3. Not overdoing it. I ONLY use heat once a week (no mid week touchups) unless I want to see heat damaged straight strands in my hair so I'm extra careful about what I do to my hair throughout the week that may be to reversion.
I press my hair twice per month, except during the summer months. During the summer months I keep my hair in its natural state by wearing Wash n Gos and Twistouts. And my hair and scalp are very healthy and I retain my natural curl pattern.
I couldn't answer because but I've been natural 10 months and have straightened (not very well) once. But I do plan on doing it every 6-8 weeks once I am at a length I'm comfortable with (BSL).
The last time I straightened my hair was over a year ago I think. Ive noticed that I don't look my best with straight hair. I'll probably try a straight style in the distant future but it will be a full sew in weave.
I'm newly natural did my bc this month. I don't plan on straightening my hair untill my bday in November. Then I'll prob straigten once or twice a month in the winter and not at all in the summer.
I don't have a set pattern for straightening. I have straigtened every couple of months or for special events. I plan to go back to CG challenge so it's going ot be out for a couple of months.
I have straightened my hair once this month and once last month but prior to that I hadn't straightened since October. I usually flatiron my hair once every 3-5 months (it typically lasts for 2 weeks). I won't be straightening at all when it's hot out, instead i'll be doing twist-outs.
I voted "never" but that's more extreme than I'd like to say and who knows what will happen with healthier/longer tresses? Like PPs have said, I don't have a pattern of straightening. I have straightened (blow out at a Dominican salon) once since my last relaxer in Nov '06. I didn't like the look - it looked too flat and thin. But maybe because I'm used to much fuller hair since I'm using wigs for protective styling. I'd like to flat iron some time in the future but want to get a healthy hair routine in place before I start experimenting w/ heat.
One more. I've been on LHCF for 6 months now. I don't plan to straigthen my hair until my LHCF Anniversary in January 2010, my BIG REVEAL!! I CAN'T WAIT!
Never. I don't want to ruin my natural texture and really don't have a desire for straight hair. I think I look much better w/my natural hair. If I ever want a straight style, I'll put a weave in.
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i go back and forth i straighten once a month and it lasts two weeks so for half of the month its str8 and the other half its curly
Never. I don't want to ruin my natural texture and really don't have a desire for straight hair. I think I look much better w/my natural hair. If I ever want a straight style, I'll put a weave in.

Ditto.....I love my natural hair......Wash and go............
I'm in the process of stretching my hair and I'm just thinking of the possibilities at the moment.....How possible is it to have both natural coils, kinks and curls and then being able to straighten. What's percentage of you ladies keep your hair natural all the time or how many of you go back and forth.

I would like to know how often are you guys straightening your natural hair?

I keep my hair natural ALL the time. Have NEVER straightened.

I have a fear of the heat permanently damaging my hair in some places.

I like my hair in its natural state anyway. Easier to deal with.
I straighten every once in a blue. I would do it more often if it wasn't so much work and if I felt that I had the technique down and wasn't damaging my curls.
uhhhh.... maybe twice a yr.. So far I've straightened it once... just to see progress.... I dont plan on straightening it again until...... ehhh.. iono when.. I'll think about it at the one yr mark..however I probably won't...we'll see