Hey Ladies, quick question


New Member
Ok, last night I did a heavy protein treatment. I used Aphogee two step treatment. It was the best treatment I ever did. I added three eggs and two dollops of mayo and it was heaven. When I usually do the treatment by itself it never comes out so good. I still get a bit of breakage in the water. When I rinsed it was soo soft and strong. After I did some shampooing, I mixed some Pantene Relaxed and Natural Intensive Moisturizing with the PC conditioner and my hair was so strong no breakage. YAY!!! Thanks ladies for the info.ok. The question I have is how long should I wait to do another protein treatment ? I bought some hair mayo as a light protein every week or so, but since I just did a heavy protein treatment how long should I wait to do a lighter one ?
whenever i start to notice little short strands breaking off and I know my hair is moisturized i do a protein treatment. For me i have to do a protein treatment weekly. I have very fine hair thats relaxed so it needs the protein to beef it up. So if your hairs like mine, doing a mild one next week shouldn't be bad.
You should wait a while. Since you did the 2-step +eggs +mayo, your hair should have more than enough protein. I'd wait at least 2 weeks and assess your hair then. Adding another protein right now could really overdo it.
whenever i start to notice little short strands breaking off and I know my hair is moisturized i do a protein treatment. For me i have to do a protein treatment weekly. I have very fine hair thats relaxed so it needs the protein to beef it up. So if your hairs like mine, doing a mild one next week shouldn't be bad.

Thanks ladies. I am natural, but with some fine strands. I think my hair likes protein a lot but I am scared to overdo it. I haven't done protein in a while before last night and my hair tends to get mushy easy.
You should wait a while. Since you did the 2-step +eggs +mayo, your hair should have more than enough protein. I'd wait at least 2 weeks and assess your hair then. Adding another protein right now could really overdo it.

Yeah, your right. LOL. One wonderful treatment and you start to get crazy. You want to do it all the time. I am definitely adding PC regularly though. IT'S THE BEST THING FOR MY HAIR! :grin: I should have started earlier. :wallbash: