Henna/Cassia users, do you need less product on your hair than your pre-henna days?


Well-Known Member
I am asking because I did a treatment today and I noticed something different with my hair.

I have not done a Henna/Cassia treatment in a month or so and during that time I started using Qhemet's Sidr Tree Butter Balm as a leave-in.

It works great for me in that way and my hair is moisturized, never weighed down, and is never greasy feeling.

Today after my Henna/Cassia treatment, I proceeded to apply my Sidr Tree Butter balm and serum as usual, air-dried, and flatironed my hair, as usual.

Of course I can see and feel the wonderful results :D , but my hair feels greasier than normal. It's as if the moisturizer is just sitting on my hair. I used the same amount as normal.

Could it be the Henna/Cassia? Have any of you required less leave-in/moisturizer?