Helping Others


New Member
My mom is always telling me that there are some people that God does not want us to help, but I do not agree with her.

I am not well-versed about the Bible, but from what I have read, and understand so far, we are to help all those who are in need. I know the Bible lists some types of people specifically, like the poor and needy, the widowed and orphaned, the hungry and thirsty, etc. But I thought, if we saw someone that was in need of something that we were able to provide, that we should provide it.

She states that maybe we are not the person that God wants to use to provide for that person in need. She says that maybe somebody else is supposed to help them, not us. That just doesn't make sense to me, but maybe I'm wrong.

I'm talking about a legitimate need, not someone who is in a bad situation because they spend their money foolishly, or anything like that.

Is there ever a time when we should turn a blind eye to those that are in need? Is there ever a time when God would not want us to help someone with a legitimate need?
There's only one answer...

Follow Your Heart.

That's what Jesus did. He followed His heart which was one with God our Father. Jesus stayed in consistant communication with the Holy Spirit. Everything He did was Holy Spirit lead and not of Himself.

There are times when God may lead us not to 'help' someone. It pains me to think of not helping someone, even if all I have to offer is prayer. However, each day that we purpose to follow and obey the voice of God ... His leading, we can never go wrong.

Each day Our Prayer Should Be...

Father let it not be said, that this day I was not by you, lead --- to will and to do your bidding. Let all that I do give glory and honour unto you.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
Thank you Shimmie! I completely agree with everything that you have stated.

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior about a year, maybe a year and a half ago, and so I have so many questions about doing what is right, and not committing any sins, etc, etc... basically I just want God to be pleased with me. But I think that I am trying to do right, in my head, and through my own strength, instead of walking in the spirit, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me.

I frequent a lot of different Christian websites that have the question and answer sections and, unfortunately, I have used those websites as my main source of information about the Bible, God, Jesus and His teachings, and what a Christian life should look like. I know that I have to OPEN MY BIBLE and read it for myself, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to all truth.

Please pray for me, that God grants me knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and discernment. I want a deeper personal relationship with Him. Thank you.
Jesus said, "Give to those who ask of you, and he who wishes to borrow from you do not turn away." Help unless the Spirit leads you not to.

But does your Mom maybe mean attempting to fix situations for people? There have been a couple of instances where I thought to take it upon myself to "help" someone, but they really hadn't asked for it and thus were not appreciative...hostile actually. They clearly needed help, but it was not for me to give. Had they explicitly asked for help, it would have been different. But I know the Spirit will lead you.
nicola.kirwan, I'm not exactly sure how she meant it, but she may have meant attempting to fix situations, which I can see where she is coming from, if that is what she meant.

Example: I have a cousin that makes a decent amount of money, but he always seems to find himself in situations where he can't pay his bills on time. Initially, whenever he would ask for money, I would give it to him because I felt sorry for him, and I was in a position to help. Well, come to find out he had/has a gambling problem, and that is the reason why he is always broke. I know that I can tell him no, and not feel bad about it, because it is his own fault that he is in this situation.

Normally, if someone flat out asks me for help, I will help, if I am able. There have been instances where I have wanted to help someone, but they didn't ask, so I didn't volunteer, but then I would feel horrible for not "doing my part".

Honestly, I do not know the difference between being led by the Spirit, and just wanting to help because I feel that it is what I'm supposed to be doing. My mom and I talk about that all the time. She says you just "know" when it is the Spirit leading you. But, I don't know. How do I know the difference?
Honestly, I do not know the difference between being led by the Spirit, and just wanting to help because I feel that it is what I'm supposed to be doing. My mom and I talk about that all the time. She says you just "know" when it is the Spirit leading you. But, I don't know. How do I know the difference?

It's not easy, and I certainly am not perfect at it, but I see the Spirit's leading as something other than my own thoughts and feelings about something. For instance, I might sense that I should go somewhere or do something or not do something or that something is off with someone, but if it's the Spirit, it's not because that's what I want or what I think or what I'm feeling. The Spirit gives impressions that come from God rather than from within ourselves.

Sorry if that doesn't help. Maybe other ladies have a perspective also. But this is definitely the right question. It's just about continual growth and practice.

Hebrews 5:14: "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

Romans 8:14: "...those who are led by the Spirit of God, those are the sons of God."
Thank you Shimmie! I completely agree with everything that you have stated.

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior about a year, maybe a year and a half ago, and so I have so many questions about doing what is right, and not committing any sins, etc, etc... basically I just want God to be pleased with me. But I think that I am trying to do right, in my head, and through my own strength, instead of walking in the spirit, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me.

I frequent a lot of different Christian websites that have the question and answer sections and, unfortunately, I have used those websites as my main source of information about the Bible, God, Jesus and His teachings, and what a Christian life should look like. I know that I have to OPEN MY BIBLE and read it for myself, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to all truth.

Please pray for me, that God grants me knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and discernment. I want a deeper personal relationship with Him. Thank you.

A deeper personal relationship with God starts with 'the Desire' to do and to be so.

You're already there. :yep: Your Desire to grow more in God is what will propel you deeper into a relationship with Him. The more you 'Desire' something, the more you will pursue and involve yourself in it. Therefore, you are there and will continue to grow each day in Jesus...

Don't be discouraged. You have to allow yourself to be imperfect in order for God to perfect all that concerns you. As humans, we will not do all in perfection, however this is how we learn.

I've shared this scripture so many times on this forum that it may seem redundant however, I love it as it speaks to my heart and I pray that it speaks to your heart as well.

"That which I do not see, teach thou me; where I have 'sinned' (errored), I will do no more." (Job 34:23)