
Well-Known Member
So ladies my hair is really thin to start with...I'm sure years of sew ins (neglecting my hair while I had the sew ins) and heat has contributed to the thinness of my hair...

Now that I have a very very low manipulation regi (throw on wig and go...and yes I am gonna wear my hair soon)...I still sometimes dread wash day...why??


I lose soooo much hair washing, detangling, etc...

When I rake my fingers through my hair (under running water) I literally pull out clumps :blush: I mean clumps of hair!! there's not a enough conditioner in the world to help me detangle and not lose hair

My shower looks like a murder a pair of scissors murdered someones hair...its bad ladies :swordfigh and my hair is already super thin!!

I PLAN TO VISIT A DOCTOR B/C ITS ON A DIFFERENT LEVEL, but I wanted to ask u ladies for some advice

I have tried garlic...but on a moisture/protein level....should I focus on protein and take a step back from the moisture i.e. should I do more protein conditioners and treatments and back up from the DC's/co washes??


New Member
The two things that helped me stop my ridiculous shedding was to 1. stop taking the multi-vitamin I was taking. I realized my hair started shedding after I started the vit and in one week my hair was back to normal. 2. Upping the moisture in my hair. My hair also starts shedding when its dirty or dry. So co-washing helped me and using a moisturizing deep conditioner. Hope that helps!


New Member
BTW - My hair hates protein, so I don't know if more protein will work for you. BUT, too much protein does cause hair to break. So don't over due it. Your balance might be out of wack.


New Member
This part of your post stood out to me...

I lose soooo much hair washing, detangling, etc...

When I rake my fingers through my hair (under running water) I literally pull out clumps :blush: I mean clumps of hair!! there's not a enough conditioner in the world to help me detangle and not lose hair

Because that was me several months ago. And what I thought was lots of shedding was actually just extreme breakage (like from the root almost) due to my techniques when washing/detangling.

So I changed things up. The main difference is that I started being extra gentle with my hair. My goal every time I handle my hair is that I don't want to hear a hair break or feel anything snag or get frustrated and pull apart knots/tangles.

Additionally, I:
-Do a finger detangling/deshedding before I wash, making sure there are no obvious knots/tangles and getting out the shed hair that will easily come out.
-Braid my hair in several celie braids, usually 7-8 (the more the better, and you have a lot of hair from what I saw in another thread so you probably need like 10-12). I do the braids somewhat tight so that they stay in while I wash. You also want to make sure the roots have enough space so that when you start washing your fingers can get in there without having to pull your hair.
-Wash and condition in braids at ALL times. NEVER wash loose anymore. That was the main part of my problem. As soon as the water hit my hair all the shed hair would get tangled in the shrinkage and it was over. Just make sure you rinse your hair and scalp well. It takes longer, but it's worth it.
-Once I get out of the shower I sit down and undo one braid at a time. That's when I do my thorough detangling/deshedding, moisturize my hair, and then rebraid (either in the same braid or in cornrows) so my hair can dry.

Now, 95% of the hair I lose when detangling is shed hair whereas before it was like 50% shed, 50% breakage. Sometimes, technique is the main problem. Though, if you only use moisturizing conditioners, doing a reconstructor can be very helpful. I really like the Ion Reconstructor at Sally's. You should still go to the doctor just for piece of mind but changing your washing routine can't hurt either. It really made the difference for me.


Well-Known Member
This part of your post stood out to me...
Additionally, I:
-Do a finger detangling/deshedding before I wash, making sure there are no obvious knots/tangles and getting out the shed hair that will easily come out.
-Braid my hair in several celie braids, usually 7-8 (the more the better, and you have a lot of hair from what I saw in another thread so you probably need like 10-12). I do the braids somewhat tight so that they stay in while I wash. You also want to make sure the roots have enough space so that when you start washing your fingers can get in there without having to pull your hair.
-Wash and condition in braids at ALL times. NEVER wash loose anymore. That was the main part of my problem. As soon as the water hit my hair all the shed hair would get tangled in the shrinkage and it was over. Just make sure you rinse your hair and scalp well. It takes longer, but it's worth it.
-Once I get out of the shower I sit down and undo one braid at a time. That's when I do my thorough detangling/deshedding, moisturize my hair, and then rebraid (either in the same braid or in cornrows) so my hair can dry.

I will start washing in braids...I have tried it in the past and always felt my hair was still dirty...but I guess its all a mind thanks a bunch for the advice...

I never really have a problem getting my hair detangled but I just lose sooo much hair..

I was rethinking the protein/moisture question...and I guess what i'm trying to ask is maybe more protein will make my hair stronger which will equal less shedding...idk for some reason I think they go together...

BUT from now on when water hits my hair it will be in braids!!


Well-Known Member
For me stretching causes my hair to shedd. Stress and worry will also cause my hair to shedd. I think taking protein pills or a protein drink daily will help and a B complex vitamin helps. Externally I use Nizoral shampoo from wal-marts recommended by my dermatologies. Apply Aloe vera gel from the leaf to the scalp. rinse scalp in ACV and water.


New Member
My fine/thin hair started shedding last wk after I became more consistent w/ my Megatek.
I did an Ayurveda powder paste (amla & brahmi) on my hair this wknd & that stoppd the sheddin in its trax!

U should check out the Ayurveda Support thread- that stuff really works! It softens & strengthens @ the same time so ur fragile hair doesn't break n fall out...its worth a shot if ur losin that much hair @ once :)