Help--Frustration--I'm going to cut it bald!!!!!!


New Member

It seems like every time I get major growth, I also get major breakage. I'm beginning to get so sick and tired of this, that I feel like giving up! Seriously, I really just want to take a pair of scissors and cut all of my hair off!!!!!!

It's coming to touch up time, and I have been bunning it for the last few weeks. Lately, clumps of hair "knot" at the end of my hair, and it seems like it's tangling the bottom of my hair so bad that inches are coming out. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do anymore.

I started my hair growth journey in December 2004, and I don't feel like I've made the progress I should have in that time. I look at other members and I am inspired by everyone's journeys, but I'm becoming discouraged over my own!!! Help!

Are you relaxed or texturized? For tangling try something's helped me already. Maybe an ACV mix or Nexxus Ensure.
I'm relaxed and texturized. The last 2 relaxers (with Phyto) didn't take, and that was after waiting 34 weeks to relax, so I have almost 5" of "new growth/underprocessed hair" and the rest is relaxed, except for the unprocessed hair (new growth since last relaxer January 7th).
Poohbear said:
do you properly detangle your hair before putting it into a bun???

Yes, I make sure there aren't tangles. I think my hair is just naturally tangly. I don't know what else to do.
I really want my hair to grow, it's at that stage where I could continue to try and grow it out, or just do a major chop (don't want to do this).
cocoberry10 said:
Yes, I make sure there aren't tangles. I think my hair is just naturally tangly. I don't know what else to do.
Your hair sounds like mine. I tangle easily PLUS I too have underprocessed parts. My advice is to do a corrective cause that is a major contributor to your tangles. Believe me...I KNOW. ;) Also like I said you may need the Ensure or ACV.
Maybe it's tangeling at the ends beacause it's shedding. It's possible that when the shed hairs slip out during the washing process they are "catching" at the ends with the other hairs. I've heard that garlic shampoo helps with shedding. HTH.
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Philosophy said:
Maybe it's tangeling at the ends beacause it's shedding. It's possible that when the shed hairs slip out during washing the washing process they are "catching" at the ends with the other hairs. I've heard that garlic shampoo helps with shedding. HTH.

I've heard that can happen, and I do think that happens to me. Sometimes I will notice bulb hairs at the end of my hair.
Faith said:
Your hair sounds like mine. I tangle easily PLUS I too have underprocessed parts. My advice is to do a corrective cause that is a major contributor to your tangles. Believe me...I KNOW. ;) Also like I said you may need the Ensure or ACV.

Thanks for that info. My new growth is so thick too.

Bumping for more answers.
Please dont cut your hair. You probably need conditioners with crazy slip like eulecense moisture benefits( sp?), Lustrasilk Aloe Vera and Herbal essences in the pink bottle, These are the ones I have tried. I listed them in order of largest slip. You would need to be very gentle with your hair and detangle in about 4-6 sections because of your two textures. If you get a shower comb you would probably get better comb outs. Also I recently tried cold water rinses, they seal out your cuticle and also leave a little bit of conditioner in your hair. With this effect, you can have some added slip to detangle with. If you like to detangle outside of the shower like me, you can add eulesence (sp? )as a leave in and it has crazy slip.

HTH. :)
maryj1584 said:
Please dont cut your hair. You probably need conditioners with crazy slip like eulecense moisture benefits( sp?), Lustrasilk Aloe Vera and Herbal essences in the pink bottle, These are the ones I have tried. I listed them in order of largest slip. You would need to be very gentle with your hair and detangle in about 4-6 sections because of your two textures. If you get a shower comb you would probably get better comb outs. Also I recently tried cold water rinses, they seal out your cuticle and also leave a little bit of conditioner in your hair. With this effect, you can have some added slip to detangle with. If you like to detangle outside of the shower like me, you can add eulesence (sp? )as a leave in and it has crazy slip.

HTH. :)

Thanks for the info. Bumpity, bump!

Sounds like all that underprocessed hair is to much on your relaxed ends.
Dont mean to be offensive be if you have used Phyto twice, then its just not working for you!!

You hear about ladies stretching relaxers and then getting breakage, that whats happening to you. You are stretching your relaxers unknowningly because you hair has not been procossed correctly. I stretch to 12 weeks but wounldnt or couldnt go any longer 34 weeks without a full straighening(I dont mean overprocess) relaxer WOW. Some ladies heads would be fine but everyone is different.

When you feel ready I would get your hair relaxed PROPERLY with a relaxer/person you trust.

In the meantime continue looking after your hair, use a little more protein and pay lots of attention to the demeraction line.

