Heat protectant as leave-in conditioner?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I've been reading Paula Begoun's Don't Go Shopping for Hair Care Products Without Me and she indicated that heat protectants have virtually the same ingredients as a leave-in . . . and basically allueded to the idea that you can use them interchangably.


Does this sound right to y'all? One the one hand, I think it would be great to minimize the products I use to avoid build up . . . on the other hand, I don't watn to leave my hair un-conditioned or un-protected.

does she mean a silicone-heavy leave-in is similar to a heat protectant or just a regular water/oil-based one?
I agree for the most part. I tend to use Aveda leave-ins which also have heat protectant capabilities. That is pretty much true of other brands altho I would definitely research a SPECIFIC brand/product before making any assumptions.
It may have some of the same properties as in protecting and coating, but I specifically use it to make styling and combing safer (Slip), as well as conditioning (Softening) prior to styling. Actually the slip properties are a lil' more important for me even over condtioning properties, cause a DC usually takes care of that part.
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It may be true, and I know there are people that do this and it works for them.......BUT, I can't do it.
I just don't feel protected enough w/o using both. I use them sparingly, even though I'm usually heavy handed, to avoid buildup.
Better safe than sorry I say.
A lot of heat protectants are heat protectants simply for the fact that it contains a lot of cones etc. I wouldn't use a heat protectant as a leave in because it would cause build up on my hair.
Nioxin thermal bliss heat protector is the best heat protectant I've ever used- and it doubles as a leave in conditioner. Checkout salon cabelo on utube- she does a grt demo

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