Heat cap for hair.

Anyone ever used a heat conditioning cap on their hair? I'm interested in using the Mastex Thermal Heat Cap from amazon.com. Amazon.com: Mastex Thermal Heat Cap: Beauty

Does anyone have any good experiences with it?

I loved my heating cap (before I bought my steamer). But heating caps are a number one staple to me and I think it made the biggest difference in my DC's when first starting my journey. Heating caps have the advantage of a little more ability to move around than a steamer does because I used to put mine on a long extension cord and walk around while DCing. But I still wouldn't trade my steamer for the world now though but a heating cap is a must at the very least.
Thanks so much ladies. You've been very helpful. I think I'm gonna go get one. BTW Aviah, which heat cap do you use, and hatmat6 how different would you say your hair is from using a heat cap over a hair dryer? Thanks!
I have that one and I use it all the time. I can tell the difference when I don't use it. It's a good cap. The only catch is that the back doesn't heat very well. I usually smooth my hair upwards so that my ends are on top of my head and well-heated.
My HairTherapy heat wrap has been one of my best investments! I heat it in the microwave, put it on and do my household chores. After 30 min I pop it back in the microwave for 1 minute and I have 30 more minutes of cordless, deep conditioning. Luvs it
This has been a staple of mine for years.

ALSO, I've used this to lay down my Frizz/Naps when my scarf abandoned me at night. I plug in the cap, slick down the hair, then wear the Cap for about 15 min while I'm getting dressed. Works like a charm every time!