Health before length, right????


New Member
OK....i hate to turn this into a support group, but here it goes.
My hair has always had its seasons. It grows really healthy and gets to about shoulder length. Then it starts to look unhealthy and I get it cut to ear-to-neck length. Then I regret that I cut it. My goal is to take care of it and brake the vicious cycle. I am new to LHCF and just wondering if anyone else struggles with this. By the way, I just got it cut, yet again, yesterday. Here's the results...the pic might be a little big


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Well have you figured out why it needs to be cut? And why you need to cut so much?

When you get to SL do you wear it down more? use heat more often? protect the ends less? slack on your regimen? or do you just like to cut your hair?

Have you ever tried just waiting it out and not cutting until you get to APL?

Your hair is pretty! I do believe there are certain stages/lengths that take more work to get past. Shoulder length being one of them; the ends rub against your collar etc.

Thanks you reminded me of a thread I wanted to start.

Happy hair growing!!
I would say protective style, until you get past SL, the rubbing on your clother can be hell on you ends making them split... good luck, you will find alot of good information here.
Your hair is gorgeous! I always had the same problem when I was relaxing my hair and wearing it straight. In order to keep it looking good and healthy, I had to keep it short. I never could grow it out until I went natural.

That said....if I'd found this site back then it woulda been a whole diff story. Like a PP mentioned, there's all sorts of things you can do to protect its health as you're growing it out, which you will learn over time on this forum. I would think the most important things would be sparing your hair from as much heat and processing as possible, wearing protective styles more than not, and frequent deep conditioning and proper moisturizing. I'm not a pro like others on this board--am still fairly new myself, but thas what I've picked up so far.

Your hair is pretty! I do believe there are certain stages/lengths that take more work to get past. Shoulder length being one of them; the ends rub against your collar etc.

Thanks you reminded me of a thread I wanted to start.

Happy hair growing!!

Agreed. I never had this problem then I dissected my regime and found out why. Whenever I cut my hair I always got over this hump because at this stage I'd get bored with the length and start braiding up my hair and I'm not talking about with fake hair, just my own in cornrows...though I know some others are doing braids w/ other hair and are still getting great results. So I was protective styling without knowing it. Which is why I've always easily gotten past that stage and onward. If you want to glide over it, get your hair off your shoulders. I'm sure that will help you. This has taken me from a buzz cut (cut off my relaxer ) to mbl, and back to above shoulders (over protein) and back to mbl (current) again in record time. It seems simple, and that's because it is. Make sure to wash and condition even in braids and get some kind of moisture into the hair. I use a braid spray. HTH!
!Your hair is gorgeous I always had the same problem when I was relaxing my hair and wearing it straight. In order to keep it looking good and healthy, I had to keep it short. I never could grow it out until I went natural.

That said....if I'd found this site back then it woulda been a whole diff story. Like a PP mentioned, there's all sorts of things you can do to protect its health as you're growing it out, which you will learn over time on this forum. I would think the most important things would be sparing your hair from as much heat and processing as possible, wearing protective styles more than not, and frequent deep conditioning and proper moisturizing. I'm not a pro like others on this board--am still fairly new myself, but thas what I've picked up so far.

Co -sign with bolded. I was just thinking how shiny and thick and healthy your hair looks.
:blush: Thanks you guys! You all are right. Before I subscribed, I know I always wore my hair down because I would wrap it at night so I just unwrapped it and wore it straight. Where i am it gets COLD so with scarves, hats, collars, etc., I can easily see how this would have affected my hair over time. Never been a weave person. I had the misconception that "if i could grow it, I didn't need to sew it" I thought about going natural...still thinking. Anyways, thanks for the tips. I will definitely use them.
Ditto - protective styles, low manipulation and moisturizing/sealing ends will help you get pas that hurdle.

Best wishes!