Have you Shaved before

I've had my head shaved before, but my hair didn't grow back any thicker than it already was. I think this is just a myth.
I was just talking about this the other day with my Indian friend. She had her head shaved twice as a child. She swears it works in thickening the hair. I'm pretty skeptical though.
I've never done that and I never will. I don't believe your hair will grow back thicker. That might me true with underarm and pubic hair, but those are different types of hair than what is on your head.
I've had my head shaved a few times and I'm pretty sure my hair is still the same.

My hair was thick before the shave and it's thick now.
oh well I thought since it works with men when they shave their face that is was true for your head.
I had my hair shaved as a child and it did come back thicker, but nothing special though. Its like cutting your hair to a very short cut, your hair will be very thick!
Hair that is even/ the same length all around seems thicker as opposed to layers, right?? Maybe for the who people say it grows in thicker after shaving it, it just seems thicker because it is growing in evenly after the shave??
Hair that is even/ the same length all around seems thicker as opposed to layers, right?? Maybe for the who people say it grows in thicker after shaving it, it just seems thicker because it is growing in evenly after the shave??

I think that's it. I've shaved my head several times before, and though it did seem to grow back thicker and faster, it was only because it was one length and the growth was obviously more apparent because I could see it.
Well I think for those who did it and had a relaxed head they probably think its thicker. Natural hair is thicker because of many reasons.
I've never heard this one before. All I can say is "You go first!" :grin:

It would be nice if shaving your head made more hair follicles but I can't even see how this would make any sense no matter how you slice and dice it.
Well I think for those who did it and had a relaxed head they probably think its thicker. Natural hair is thicker because of many reasons.

Believe it or not my relaxed hair is thicker than my natural hair. My natural hair is quite thin in comparison :ohwell:
^^^You see what happens when you sleep on LHCF for a little bit! You BCed!!! Your little curlies are so cute!