Have You Seen These at Wal-Mart?


Well-Known Member
It's called the "Amazing Length TripleGro" (Repairs, Rebonds, Rebuilds). I was in the market for a new satin bonnet and decided to purchase it. What gets me though is the claims on the package. It's supposedly a satin bonnet with Built In Growth Treatment (patent pending). It promises longer, stronger hair in one month.

Well, I tried the bonnet last night, you can definitely tell that there's something in it because it has a mild scent to it. Other than that it's like any other bonnet. My hair does feel a little more moisturized this morning. However, I don't believe the claims though. But who knows, has anyone tried this? I didn't take a picture of the package and couldn't find it on the Wal-mart site.

Here are the instructions: Wear at night as you would any "regular" bonnet. You will see gradual improvement in the feel (softness, shine, manageability) of your hair and less breakage as time goes on. Do not wash Triple Gor Satin or conditioning effect will be removed. To preserve maximum effectiveness of growth treatment keep Triple Gro Satin in this resealable bag. Replace Triple Gro Satin every 6 weeks.

ETA: you can see a pic of this on www.triplegro.com


New Member
I've seen this in a few places and I too wanted to know what was up? Let me know if you see a difference.


Well-Known Member
yea i think i have one somewhere like it they do have a certain type of smell to them not sure whats in it thought ???? but i may pick one up since i sleep with a satin bonnet and only have one...darn it i was just in superwalmart....now i have to decide on rather i want to go back...


I haven't used their products except for the oil sheen and it's o.k. It may be worth a try but I promised myself not to buy any more new products.

I also noticed that their relaxers are lye. I didn't know they sold lye relaxers in boxes.:ohwell: Maybe because I haven't used a box relaxer since I was 20.:perplexed


Well-Known Member
I have that bonnet. I use it because it's kind of big and can accommodate my huge melon without slipping off at night. The growth enhancers.........hmm. I don't know how credible they are, but I know it hasn't affected my hair aversely.


New Member
I've used these but I don't replace them after 6 weeks as suggested...I don't usually buy a new one until I lose the one I have. So, I never noticed any improvement EXCEPT that my hair is always better off when I sleep with it covered than when I sleep with it uncovered. That was the biggest difference I ever saw but I could get that with any satin/silk scarf/bonnet sort of thing.

I've also seen them in BSS, too.
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Well-Known Member
The nighttreatment made my scalp itch. BUT it did help with hair retention (not growth) because I wasn't wrapping my hair at one point in time. (AH!) So the bonnet was a success and in one month I retained that full 1/2 inch or more of hair growth. So it works, if you have never used proper haircare techniques before.

Yup that mineral oil in the night treatment tore my scalp up, but it prevented breakage with my hair strands, because I never moisturized (at that point).



Well-Known Member
They have really good myths vs. truths on the site!!
Myth: Trimming your hair encourages growth.

The Facts: Visible hair is dead tissue. Although a slight trim may eliminate hair that appears "thinner" due to split ends, there is no relation between the visible (non-living) hair and the follicle which is responsible for its production.

Myth: Washing your hair will only make it drier.

The Facts: Shampooing on a regular basis with the right shampoo will not rob your hair of any moisture. In fact, using the right shampoo for your hair like Triple Gro Root Nourishing Therapeutic Shampoo can actually add body, moisture and luster to your hair.

Myth: One should brush their hair through 100 strokes each day.

The Facts: Your hair may look neater and more uniform after you're done, but manic brushing won't do a thing to promote growth. The only thing this ritual might portend is excessive oil production from the sebaceous glands on the scalp. What's worse is that heavy handed brushing to sensiitve hair could actually result in widespread breakage or premature release of hair from the follicle (essentially pulling your hair out).

Myth: You should change your shampoo on a regular basis.

The Facts: There is no scientific proof to substantiate the notion that your hair "gets used to" a certain shampoo. This myth seems to have arisen from people wanting variety in their life. If you're currently using a shampoo that yields favorable results, there is no reason to make a change.

Myth: Unwashed hair is faster growing hair.

The Facts: This myth seems to have perpetuated from the "tight" or mildly itchy feeling you may have on your scalp after washing your hair. If you live in a very dry environment or in surroundings where the winters are dry and cold, you've undoubtedly felt the effects of non-humid air on your skin. The same dry, tight skin you've experienced on the rest of your body following a shower is what you're really feeling on the scalp. This is no reason to limit the cleansing of your hair. Regular washing not only keeps the hair shaft clean, it also cleanses your scalp and follicles enabling new, healthy growth. The important thing in combating dryness is the use of effective conditioners like Triple Groâ„¢ Intensive Conditioning Hair Rebuilder.

Myth: I am unable to grow long hair.

The Facts: The crux of this problem lies in your ability to keep your hair. Some relaxers can take their toll on your tresses and lead to breakage — but diligent hair maintenance with high quality products like Triple Gro™ and the use of relaxers with strengthening agents like Triple Gro™ GroLaxer Mild, Regular or Super, you can be on your way to beautiful, shed-free styles the next time you decide to process.

Myth: Any chemical process or heat will ruin your hair.

The Facts: You can easily attain the balance between stylishness and healthy hair if you make careful decisions about how you care for your locks. If you use relaxer, you should make sure that you choose the strength appropriate for your hair type. Many are quick to equate ultra-kinky with resilient and in need of the strongest relaxer available. In reality, the opposite holds true. Very curly hair is actually much more delicate than wavy or straight hair. Every curvature in the strand is a compromised area, more susceptible to breakage.

If you properly match a relaxer to your hair type, use a deep conditioner like Triple Gro Intensive Conditioning Hair Rebuilder Treatment and limit your use of blow-dryers, curling irons and hot combs, you should encounter minimal breakage and enjoy superb hair growth.


New Member
It didn't help me with growth. I used this for a LONG time and replaced them often for all the same reasons isioma85 does, but I still had my average growth. It actually broke off the front of my hair, but I think that's because I tied it too tight.
Has anyone ever thought about or considered or actually just sprayed a regular satin cap or bonnet with oil sheen spray, or even putting some oils on your hands and wiping them off on the satin to get the same effect? I did this once, but never enough times for consistency but it seems to me that you'd get the same effect.


Well-Known Member
I have seen them and I bought one. but not because I think it will make my hair grow. It was just cheaper than the other they had and my old bonnet was losing elastic.

There is another product like this that I have seen for years at the BSS and I never thought that one worked either.

I think it is just another bonnet that helps protect your hair. :ohwell:


Pineapple Eating Unicorn
I do think there is something in the bonnet, because it made my scalp itch every time I tried a new one. I doubt seriously that they have "growth properties", but they are good bonnets and scarves to tie your hair up with, and they're cheap. I have about 6 of them that I rotate.


New Member
I don't think i have the bonnet they make, but I have about 2 or 3 of the scarves. I figured the claim on the package was just hype but I like the scarves because they are extra extra large.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to try the scarves, I love the fact they are extra large. I may get a couple this weekend.


New Member
Different strokes for different folks but those conditioner impregnated scarves make my hair thin out and break off.
I use my Ebay acquired silk scarves, my leave ins and ORS products, no problem.


New Member
I have seen them. It looks like it cant hurt. Update us on your opinion in 6 weeks...


Active Member
I've tried it before...in fact I still have it but I don't use it anymore, only if there was an emergency where I couldn't find any of my other wraps. When I first got it, I did notice that it definitely had something in it through the smell but I don't think it really did anything for my hair...or maybe I just was paying enough attention. I didn't really believe the claims on the package when I bought it, I just need a new head wrap.