Have you ever have tagged as committing a certain sin, but you didn't?

Rumors and Gossip are the worse. I've had a couple of rumors spread about me before too, and it is not cool, especially when you try to defend yourself with the truth of the matter. For example: there have been people back in my school days that accused me of being sneaky or a closet freak or secret hoe because of my quiet demeanor. That is certainly not me.

I've also heard rumors and gossip on other people as well (mostly from my father about church folks sadly which I feel destroys the Christian mission). I hate when I hear rumors and gossip about other people too. Most of the time, I believe that the rumors are not true, especially when you can see a motive behind the gossiper spreading the rumors, which is mainly to defame that person's reputation or character to make the gossiper feel better about his or her miserable self.
i've been accused of sleeping with my pastor...
which i didn't even do..
don't think the love of my life will be happy about that..
I've been accused of being a whore
because i slept with a few bad dudes before I realized my worth in Yeshua...
it seems like every time i go up to a new level in my life
and i'm not... sexing or anything
this person constantly tries to spread rumors about me because apparently she feels I was blessed and i had a history and she didn't
which i truly don't get.. Yeshua is for EVERYONE she can have blessings too if she chose to serve Him
My life hasn't been roses.... i've struggled a lot and made mistakes.. why am i the horrible person and the slut when she was the one... oh nevermind. .
luthiengirlie your better than I.That person would have gotten punched in the face in church.See people who have to sling mud have no recourse so they try to pull you down.Thanks be to God our Lord gives us new mercy daily..
If and when you are remarried, life has moved on for decades...he's still gonna be saying all that stuff.:lachen:
Yea, and that is just 'CRAZEE'. I mean move on already. This man is married again but still tells ppl about how much he still luvs me:rolleyes:. Who needs that kind of luv? I refuse to call that l-o-v-e.:nono:

Rumors and Gossip are the worse. I've had a couple of rumors spread about me before too, and it is not cool, especially when you try to defend yourself with the truth of the matter. For example: there have been people back in my school days that accused me of being sneaky or a closet freak or secret hoe because of my quiet demeanor. That is certainly not me.

I've also heard rumors and gossip on other people as well (mostly from my father about church folks sadly which I feel destroys the Christian mission). I hate when I hear rumors and gossip about other people too. Most of the time, I believe that the rumors are not true, especially when you can see a motive behind the gossiper spreading the rumors, which is mainly to defame that person's reputation or character to make the gossiper feel better about his or her miserable self.
OMG! So true Poohbear. 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me...' I call Bull crap! Words can hurt-badly too. Poohbear, that is the million dollar answer for why ppl do a lot of things. Hurting ppl hurt ppl. Proverbs 6 sums it up quite nicely.
16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

And then, there's this commandment..."Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor." So, the gossipers and haterz get what a dude I used to work with called a 'two-fer'. IOW, that person commits multiple sins all at once.:(
God knew the pain gossiping and lying would cause. That's why he commanded it not be done. That's why he HATES it when ppl plan and scheme what they will say in their hearts and then they open their mouths and speak lies and stir up mess! :nono:

i've been accused of sleeping with my pastor...
which i didn't even do..
don't think the love of my life will be happy about that..
I've been accused of being a whore
because i slept with a few bad dudes before I realized my worth in Yeshua...
it seems like every time i go up to a new level in my life
and i'm not... sexing or anything
this person constantly tries to spread rumors about me because apparently she feels I was blessed and i had a history and she didn't
which i truly don't get.. Yeshua is for EVERYONE she can have blessings too if she chose to serve Him
My life hasn't been roses.... i've struggled a lot and made mistakes.. why am i the horrible person and the slut when she was the one... oh nevermind. .

Amen at the bolded! She has serious 'grass is greener syndrome'. We should never look at anyone and wish (covet) something we think they have. Walk a mile in their shoes. Do what they did to get where they are. It's always different when you are on the other side of the proverbial fence looking back.
It sad seeing the things ppl say but Im relieved that since we all picked up our crosses we too would take the nonsense the devil through..its fine because were all doing it for our heavily daddy..I also have been labled a dike bc after my years of being out there dating,whoring and such I felt it was high time to get right and hold my temple and allow healing to occur.So while in college I never slept around,was always about my studies,never drank,didn't party blah blah and some thought I was a lesbian.Im real pro women's rights so it made it worst.I even for a while thought I was too but see ha this is how the devil works.Creating nonsense confusion until I was able to hush the clamor up in my head and say I don't like girls that nasty I like boys so I will not allow the labels of the world say what a woman is or not...
naw.. the world don't like who you serve so they try to DEFINE you into what makes them comfortable
i learned real quick in my 24 years of living that if you don't define yourself.. folks will be happy to define you FOR YOU...
You serve a Mighty ELOHIM
angels bow before HIm
Heaven and Earth Adore HIm
the wicked HATE Him...
what a mighty YAH you serve
i've been accused of sleeping with my pastor...
which i didn't even do..
don't think the love of my life will be happy about that..
I've been accused of being a whore
because i slept with a few bad dudes before I realized my worth in Yeshua...
it seems like every time i go up to a new level in my life
and i'm not... sexing or anything
this person constantly tries to spread rumors about me because apparently she feels I was blessed and i had a history and she didn't
which i truly don't get.. Yeshua is for EVERYONE she can have blessings too if she chose to serve Him
My life hasn't been roses.... i've struggled a lot and made mistakes.. why am i the horrible person and the slut when she was the one... oh nevermind. .

My Lord, now this is truly low and quite damaging; for she labeled you as one to be aware of which was undeserving. Did she not care about the extent of this damage? Obviously no, she did not.

The one thing that gets me 'over' the lies is that Jesus also was falsely accused and He spoke not a word in defense of Himself, for He knew who He was and whose He was and still is. I mean afterall, He knew who His Father was, the Lord God All Mighty.

Does this woman not know whose you are and who your Father is as well?

Selah... :Rose:
Hey Shimmie,

The OP NEVER stated that the woman had the notion of "only having male friends." How do we know she only wants to have male friends? You are just assuming. The crux of the problem is that many people (like some of us in this thread) jump to conclusions about other people too quickly which often leads to gossip and the insinuatation that they are sinning. This is wrong.

And about the "men running from marriage," that definitely DOES NOT apply to every sub-culture in the United States and around the world. Just because this might be happening on some pockets of the black community (amongst others) does not mean this is applied to all men nor their DNA.

The reason there is more "advice" out there for women (which I don't understand since we are supposedly trying to convince men to defy their DNA):rolleyes: is because society has been socialized to place heavy burdens upon the female sex for some strange reason. It has nothing to do with some DNA design from God. Remember, society is constantly changing and it was not always like this.

And please, soooo many Christians have spoken ad naseum about how God created sex for as an emotional experience for BOTH men and women. Now we want to bring pseudo-science and insinuate that God made a man's DNA to be completely detached from sex. What?

I'm going to start a new thread on Men, Women, and Love :love4:

i've been accused of sleeping with my pastor...
which i didn't even do..
don't think the love of my life will be happy about that..
I've been accused of being a whore
because i slept with a few bad dudes before I realized my worth in Yeshua...
it seems like every time i go up to a new level in my life
and i'm not... sexing or anything
this person constantly tries to spread rumors about me because apparently she feels I was blessed and i had a history and she didn't
which i truly don't get.. Yeshua is for EVERYONE she can have blessings too if she chose to serve Him
My life hasn't been roses.... i've struggled a lot and made mistakes.. why am i the horrible person and the slut when she was the one... oh nevermind. .

I can relate to this.
I can relate to this.

I really have had to pray about not choking the life out of her...
i am so serious
I've had to repent of that thought..repeadtly
I am living my life.. WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING ME?????
it's sad that I who don't even deal with you am on your mind......
why give ME that kind of power?
ain't worth it.
Don't usually post over here but yeah...in my church-going, Christian days I was called all kinds of bad things that weren't true. I was called a heretic because I asked questions and *gasp* wanted answers and when I didn't get any answers I used my own logic to come up with those answers. I was suspected of harlotry because I stayed out late. Funny thing is that I was a virgin until I married while the pastor accusing me of it was cheating on his wife.

I could go on but the point is I wasn't going to change who I am to make somebody else feel better about their own mess. I chucked the deuces to the whole outfit and am satisfied with my decision. #Kanyeshrug.
:amen: Girl you hit the nail on the head.. you got IT. We all have our crosses to bear, and life certainly isn't fair. What anyone thinks of you or me is not our cross to bear; it won't stop people from trying, but that's their burden to bear.

Jesus' mission was bigger than gossip, false accusations, tit for tat and all that other insignificant stuff. So should ours. He's the best example of living life without a care (or fear) of what people think (people bondage), because no matter what those Pharisees and Sad-you-sees and Romans said or thought, it didn't affect him nor kept him from accomplishing his goal. Fear of what people think will keep folks from speaking up when they really should; it will keep folks second-guessing themselves, it could even stop blessings from flowing, etc., because worrying about what people think is encapsulated in fear - something that keeps faith from being activated.

It sad seeing the things ppl say but Im relieved that since we all picked up our crosses we too would take the nonsense the devil through..its fine because were all doing it for our heavily daddy..I also have been labled a dike bc after my years of being out there dating,whoring and such I felt it was high time to get right and hold my temple and allow healing to occur.So while in college I never slept around,was always about my studies,never drank,didn't party blah blah and some thought I was a lesbian.Im real pro women's rights so it made it worst.I even for a while thought I was too but see ha this is how the devil works.Creating nonsense confusion until I was able to hush the clamor up in my head and say I don't like girls that nasty I like boys so I will not allow the labels of the world say what a woman is or not...
In the girl's situation, she's asking for it. I'm just being real here. She's more comfortable with men because she LIKES the attention. :yep:

She's placed herself in a position which gives the strong appearance that she is in a 'free' lifestyle and frankly, I've just about had it with the weak excuses from women who claim they're more comfortable with men than women. 'They need to stop lying and just admit that it's the male attention they are thriving upon. If folks speak ill of her, she has only herself to blame for the Word of God clearly says, to '.. shun even the very 'appearance of evil.'

If she doesn't want the accusation then stop presenting herself as being that of a garden tool. God has called us to have a 'balance' in life. To have an equal and healthy balance of both male and female in our lives, be it in friends and / or family. You cannot go through life 'tilted' , we have to get along with both sexes, in order to have a healthy outlook on life. Jesus said, "I would that you would be at peace with 'ALL' men (and women).

All means all, meaning both sexes; and of course there are different levels of these relationships. However being stuck with men only or women only is not healthy, mentally. It indicates 'issues' unresolved about the avoided gender, which is actually a festering wound or a state of un-forgiveness as well as distrust, insecurity, intimidation of the avoided gender.

She should simply ask God to bless [her] with a healthy balance of both male and female companions; all to His glory. God will honour this prayer for it is His will to do so; to have all of His children healthy in spirit, soul, mind and body and healthy relationships. God would not have a child of His to be regarded as a garden ho', digging up the beautiful flower that He has created her to be.


Well said. I've always given the side eye to women who claim to be more comfortable with men and use that to excuse why they have so many more male friends than female. She knows what the deal is.

To the OP:
I will say that this stuff really isn't that serious. From the title of the thread I thought you meant someone had gotten called out in front of a church congregation and asked to step down or something. What you described in this thread is nothing more than plain 'ole gossip. it happens to everyone.