Has anyone read 23 Minutes in Hell


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies:hiya:

I just finished reading 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese, let me start off by saying it is a great eye opener about Hell of course but mainly about how Jesus saves lives. "You're going to hear the vision of Hell, but even more important, you're going to hear a vision of intimacy with Jesus Christ and the love He has for this whole world." It is a really good read if you ever get a chance, just wanted share.

Here's a link to get a more in depth review

Stay blessed:angel:
I read it. I have mixed opinions about the book (did he really go to Hell, does the Bible say the literal hell is actually in the center of the earth?) , but it does give you something to think about.
I haven't read the book because I am leary of the whole story in general. I saw the man on TV and I am a bit unsure about him saying that he has even been to hell and back. It just doesn't sit right with me. When I saw him I began to pray that if he was telling the truth that God would impress that on me, and that if he wasn't that God wouldn't allow him to continue to perpetrate that lie. The jury is still out on that but I am still not sure.
I read it. I have mixed opinions about the book (did he really go to Hell, does the Bible say the literal hell is actually in the center of the earth?) , but it does give you something to think about.

It does I enjoyed it bc of how it made people who didn't know the lord personally seek him and accept them in their lives like everyone should.:grin: